I think we planned our date to see Eclipse back when we "officially" met a few months ago. We planned it right... not on opening night! We started off the night with dinner at Five Guys. Probably one of the best cheeseburgers I have ever eaten. Not something you would want every day though, not even once a month. Those fries were greasy, but guess what, not heartburn or reflux.
Next up was the movie. I texted Gretchen before it began and she asked if I was about to pee my pants. Well that pretty much happens on any given day recently, so I guess my answer was yes. By far the best movie of the three so far. Bigger budget equals better movie. The acting has also gotten better, but who really goes to see these movies for the acting, it's all about the story. And to all she screaming fans, I get it Taylor Lautner is hotter than Robert Pattinson.... but Edward is soooo much better than Jacob.

Ahhhhh, Edward (swoon). I need a countdown clock for Breaking Dawn!
you guys are nuts!!!
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