We got to Kosair on Fri around 7:15, with surgery scheduled for 8:45. The surgery floor has a play area so that kept Cooper busy for most of the morning, which is a good thing because they didn't take him back until almost 9:30. It also helped for him to not ask for food or drink. Our early childhood care director from church also stopped by to help pass the time. Finally they came with the "happy juice" in hand. Oh my, that is about all I can say. He got so figidity, but there was no way this child could stand alone. I was ready for surgery by then because we could barely hold on to him. He did great leaving us, he laid in the bed, had Mickey Mouse under one arm and away he went. Surgery went quick. It wasn't much more than 30 minutes before the doctor came out to talk to us. The right ear tube looked good, the left one had lots of fluid build up so he put in another which should help with hearing. His adenoids weren't bad but his tonsils could have won some awards they were so big. He told us Cooper will most likely be a happier kiddo and sleep better, I'm not for sure how that could happen, he sleeps fantastic. They did say no child this young should snore and if they do then they most likely do have some form of sleep apnea. This made me feel better, just because I kept questioning myself if we did the right thing or not this only proved we did.
We didn't see him again till we were all back in the room were we would stay in. He was awake and somewhat alert (what you can be given Morphine) and he was doing good, not crying at all. We got settled and he took a nap, but woke up in pain. Poor guy, at one time he had tears but wasn't making a sound. He got pain medicine every 4 hours but yesterday it seemed as if his limit was 3 hours, especially if he was asleep and woke up and it wasn't time yet. He was emotional at times, but if we could get him to drink at all he got better and talked and played in the play area and watched plenty of videos. He drank a little yesterday and ate some Jello and ice cream. They would weigh his diapers and by evening he was doing good. They had used an IV during surgery and kept it in and bandaged up, luckily he didn't need anything the rest of day until bedtime when they went ahead and gave him some fluids. I've learned my lesson on the IV for the future, always tell the nurses he is left handed. I'm sure they just assumed right handed, put it in his left and wrapped his hand up and he pretty much didn't have use of his hands last night. I didn't even think about it until we got his sticker book out and he gave us this look like, what am I supposed to do with these? He didn't get to sleep until 11:00 and woke up for good this morning at 6:00 when they came in with pain medicine. Steve and I didn't get much sleep at all, they came in the room pretty much every 1-2 hours either checking vitals or his IV.
Today has been much better. He ate some french toast and pudding for breakfast, Steve got me and him a cinnamon roll and he wanted some of it too. They came in around 9:00 to let us know they would start working up our discharge papers and since he was scheduled for another round of medicine at 10 we could leave after that. We were ready! Cooper was feeling well enough he wanted to get down and move and play and he was just plum exhausted from lack of sleep. Wouldn't you know it they preached all day Friday about not getting behind on pain meds and this was the one time they got behind. We finally got out of there around 10:45. He has been so much better once getting home. First he took almost a 4 hour nap. He has eaten Jello, applesauce, a pancake, and a popsicle tonight. We got him in bed at our normal time and he just seems happy to be home. Still a little cranky at times, but that is to be expected. His voice cracks me up though, it's so high pitched. I read it could last a couple of months. We are all hoping for a good night sleep tonight. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, it is appreciated. No one wants to see their child in pain but after hearing from the doctor I realize it was all for the best.
I didn't take many pictures, this is one right after we got into our room. He was a little sleepy.

Glad to see he is doing better!! Praying for continue healing.
OH, I am SOOO glad everything went well! I thought about you all when I was out of town Friday! :)
So glad to hear things went well. : )
i am so glad things went well! i know it was a long day for you all!
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