Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Trip to the Dentist

We had Cooper's first dentist appointment this morning. I'm glad I waited a little longer than usual, he did VERY GOOD! I knew in order for him to handle it he needed to be old enough to understand what was going on. He did cry, which was expected, but nothing I couldn't handle. It is a huge relief to have this first visit over. Everything looked great. Hygiene looks good, they did tell me to be sure to watch those new molars, they are the hardest to brush. He has his top ones in but not his bottom ones, I think the days those are in will rank right up there with my wedding day and the day he was born for happiness. The dentist didn't mention anything about him sleeping with a pacifier and the hygienist only said that sometimes if you take it away too early they replace it with something that can't be taken away, so no worries there. He does have a slight overbite, which they said probably wouldn't be corrected until someone corrects it for him. No surprise there if the takes after me and Steve. Overall it was a VERY good day.

Of course no visit could be complete without a little practice the night before.He was all smiles before we got called back, he loved the children's play area.
I went by myself so I couldn't get any pictures of the cleaning itself but I did get one of him trying out his new Diego toothbrush and cheesing it up for the camera because he was all done.

Don't think I wasn't up for a little bribery if he did a good job. First stop, the mini-carousel at the mall.

Second stop, pretzels... of course!
And finally, a new George book.

Somehow a new George book also turned into a new Elmo book. I should be thrilled though, books please this child more than anything.

I couldn't leave out this self-portrait. I wasn't quite prepared for the weather when we left the mall, it was sunny on our way inside. By the time we go to the car, bucked Cooper in, threw my bags in the car, put the stroller in the trunk and I got in the car... this is what I looked like.


Tracey said...

I love it! I'm always up for a little bribery :) I'm so glad it went well. Shew!! And I love the self portrait! BOO on rain...

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Great job cooper!!!

Jaime Mac said...

You're so funny! I love the flashlight practice the night before! :)
Bribery is always acceptable if you ask me!

ginmommy said...

I love your self-portrait!!! I thought he'd do fine ;) Good job, mommy and Cooper!!!