Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We pretty much have a weekly trip to Target around here. Yesterday was no exception. The past three or four times I have been there I have seen the manager of Walmart. Funny, huh? He says he comes over every morning to get his Starbucks and take a lap.

btw- Target is FINALLY done with their remodel. Looks great.

Yesterday's trip was not for us. Our church collects backpacks full of school supplies each year for area schools. I grabbed a card for a kindergarten and 5th grade and did a little shopping trip. I tried to explain to Cooper what we were doing and the importance of it and he said Ms Jennifer (the early childhood director had church) had talked to them about it and every time they go into the purple room (children's auditorium) there would be backpacks. I guess he does get it.

Almost every trip to Target is finished up by a pretzel. It was split by Cooper and myself now it's split between the three of us. This one is for you Alicia. They got brand new shopping carts. Once Nora starts sitting up, you can fit three children in the cart and have plenty of room for your stuff.

Cameron fell asleep on the way home so after I put him down in his bed, Cooper helped sort the supplies for me. Of course he wanted half the stuff, but I think he got the importance of it. It was a good way to spend our morning.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Those carts look awesome!!! I went to Old Navy and saw they were finished. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the pic! :) I love that we think of blogger friends while we are out!

Amy said...

I like the new carts, but I'm not sure if I should push one around. It's a standing joke in our house not to walk in front of me when I'm pushing a cart or stroller, b/c you might get hit. Ha :)

ginmommy said...

I went by Target while I was in town, I love it!!