Thursday, July 21, 2011


Last night, for one night, I was able to revisit my youth. I'm sure like most of my readers, I was obsessed with the New Kids on the Block. And my favorite, was none other than the adorable Joey McIntyre. I was the youngest of three girls so it's only natural I chose the youngest of the band. Before I divulge into the happenings of last night I thought I would revisit a night about 4 1/2 years ago. My mom loves Dancing with the Stars. That Christmas I bought us tickets to their tour show at Rupp Arena. Remember how Joey was on one of their first seasons? He was at their tour and just prior to the show we noticed a sign saying Joey would be in a certain section signing autographs after the show. Shut.the.front.door! Are you kidding me? So of course during their finale, we hightailed it out there and I was second in line. It was a dream come true 17 years in the making. I can remember thinking if only they would go back on tour.
Now lets revisit a night back in early January. I'm sitting around after dinner, playing with the kids, watching the news when I hear something like "major concert announcement, Yum Center, New Kids, Backstreet Boys". Shut.the.front.door.again! Shut the back door, shut all the doors!
I went to giddy 12 year old girl mode. Before I knew it there was a group of 8 of us and tickets purchased. Then came the long 6 month wait until the big night. Two of my cousins, who live south of Indy, came in for the night. Now that is obsession!

We had plans to all meet up for dinner close to the stadium. I hadn't been to a concert at Yum Center before, bad idea. It was packed. I have never seen downtown that hoppin. We settled for a hot dog and nachos inside the arena. At least we had a few moments beforehand to grab some pictures.
Cousin Susie, Amy, and myself.

Me, Gretchen, and Tracey.

We knew we would be in nosebleed section. However, we were not prepared for this. I was praying to my dear sweet Jesus the whole way up.

I will say it wasn't that bad once all the seats were filled. The show started out with a small bad, Midnight Red or something like that. Then Matthew Morrison was up. He is from Glee. Pretty handsome too. He did a good job, he's like a Michael Buble. Although he did break into some Golddigger. Wish my pictures would have turned out, they were too blurry.

After a short intermission the lights went dark and we all went wild along with about 20,000 of our closest fans. They had about a 3 minute lead up until finally the curtain dropped and there stood our boys. And boy do they still have it. Age has been kind to these fellas. They really did the concert great. Both bands performed together, then New Kids would sing 2-3 songs, then Backstreet Boys. They all came out at the end and did some talking and another song together before the encore. The encore was AMAZING!!!!! Backstreet came out first, then New Kids with a little Hangin Tough!!!!! Then they did stuff together. Backstreet was singing their song, New Kids theirs, at the same time with the same band. Very cool. Before encore I've even seen. Once they all got on stage from start to finish was over 2 hours, well worth the money. I got home around midnight, I was paying for today, especially around 2:30. I hit a wall, this 32 yr old momma just can't keep up like I used to.

Check out Jordan, he has some moves. He has to be at least 38 or 39 but he can move like he is 21.

I was never a huge Donnie fan until last night. Better with age!!! I know he is at least in 40's. He is still trying to portray the bad boy, but we all know he is a family man now. They made a few jokes about how he knows this city, he remembers it. Remember when he set his room at the Galt House on fire like 20 years ago?

Here's my boy with a little Please Don't Go Girl. He was singing to me!!!

Some Backstreet Boys, I'm surprised I knew more of their songs than I thought.

Can you say jealous??? Not fair!! They pulled three girls from the audience on stage. The one on the left is actually the guy's (Brian Littrell) wife. It was her birthday.

We were getting a little giddy here, it was 10:30, we were tired.
"I'll be loving you forever"

What a great night!!! Maybe they will be back in another 10 years. Can you just imagine 50 year old men singing and dancing on stage.


Jaime Mac said...

OK-your post made me excited & giddy all over again. What a great concert!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

OMG!! DONNIE!! I LOVE HIM!!!! So jealous!! Really though. I am so glad you had a great time!!! :)

Jill said...

Great recap, girl! Glad you guys had fun! :)

the lewis gang said...

fun, fun!! being the youngest of 3 girls also i was a joey fan. he sang to me too! :) :)

Jessica Lord said...

I’m a little embarrassed about how giddy I got reading this. I am totally jealous!!! Jordan is my man!!!

Melissa said...

I'm jealous, I wish I could have been there!

ginmommy said...

What a great night!!!!! I loved it, and would do it again in a heartbeat!!! Thanks for getting it together for us.