What do all these things have in common? First trip to the movie theatre. We met the Reid's and Bush's for Cooper's first trip to the movies this morning. It was the last free one of the summer and I wanted to check it out to see how he would do and he did great. He's not a big movie watcher, Mickey Mouse yes, but no so much movies. However some popcorn, Twizzlers, Lemonade, and gum will work for just about anything. They played Kung Fu Panda this morning, I hadn't seen it yet and it was cute. A little over Cooper's head but still fun.
Here he is waiting patiently for the movie to begin.

A group shot, minus Tracey & Maggie. They are down there, you just can't really see them.

It took three tries to get our picture right. The first one had too bright of a flash in a dark room.

As you can tell Cooper is smiling at someone else.

Finally! He is smiling and looking at the camera.
FUN! Glad Cooper did so well!
Glad you guys did the movie. Cooper did great!!!
so fun!!! i love free movies and we didn't make it to one this summer. any of them we were able to go to were either too old or we own it. glad you had fun!!!
Jami, I never realized how much Cooper looked like you until I saw the pics of you two together in this post. He really favors you!
Awww... Thanks, Jill! I'll take it as a compliment. We get that a lot, I think not only does he favor me, he doesn't really look anything at all like Steve.
Cute pics!! I had fun and I'm glad that all the kids did so well. :) Even Maggie was soaking up the movie for a while! She was watching it with big bug eyes!
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