Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The countdown is on

I had my first weekly doctor's appointment today. Things went well, baby sounds good. He must have been an active little guy this morning, his heart rate was 155 and it has been in the 140's. We talked a little more about VBAC's. As of right now I am scheduled for a c-section on September 13th, which will put me at 39 weeks. I thought this was what I always wanted but the closer it gets I have anxiety over it. It was one thing to be in labor all day and have complications and be told you need a c-section. At that point I just wanted it to be over and wanted a healthy baby. It's a whole other feeling knowing I'm having a surgery. If I choose to cancel my c-section date I will keep my weekly appointments up until 41 weeks. If I am having contractions and have started to dialate then she will induce, if not she will do a c-section. So, I either have Cameron by Sept 13 or by Sept 27. Then there is Cooper to think about. Getting out of the hospital at two instead of three days is a huge plus. Steve only plans on staying in the hospital for one night so Cooper can sleep at home so that will be much easier on me if I don't have a c-section. Plus I have heard it takes an extra day for your milk to come in if you have a c-section, it's your body's way of dealing with the shock. I didn't think my recovery was that bad with a c-section, but I also didn't have a newborn and almost three year old to care for. We also have to think about childcare. It's a lot easier on Steve's parents knowing they to keep Sept 13-15 free to take care of Cooper. If we cancel and wait to see if I go on my own, they pretty much have to clear their schedule for two weeks. Decisions, Decisions! I'm not going to lie, I have trouble sleeping at night just thinking about these things. It's not in my nature to rely on other people and feel like I'm putting someone out. I have never been away from Cooper for longer than about 15 hours. Anytime he was stayed the night it was been from around dinner time to breakfast the next morning, never all day, all night, all day again. The next couple of weeks will determine if we keep the c-section as scheduled. Maybe I should look into a home birth.


Jaime Mac said...

I'm sorry that you are tormented by this decision. I know it's not easy getting everything lined out & making sure Cooper doesn't have to be passed around too much & making sure others aren't 'inconvenienced' (even tho I'm sure Steve's parents are happy to do it.
But...home birth? Girl, that's just crazy talk. I can't even imagine. I've seen it on tv & I'm like, "you've gotta be kiddin' me!"

Susie said...

You will be fine & Cooper will too. If you keep the c-section schedule you will be better off because there will not be any unexpected time of when the baby is coming. I know how you feel about knowing about the surgery. I did the same thing with my two. Dawn was emergency c-section, not planned and Nick was planned. It will all come out ok once the baby is here. Good Luck!!

Amy said...

Continue to pray about it Jami and God will point you in the right direction.
Just FYI if you're wanting to try a VBAC you can always try Evening Primrose to help you go into labor. It's a natural herb you can get at Rainbow Blossom. I asked Dr. R about it when I was pregnant with Lilly and she told me I could try it, but there was no proof that it would put me into labor. My doula told me about it. I took the max dose I could for a week, and it worked. I started to have contractions on my own. Good luck!

Nerdy Girl said...

I had planned on having a natural birth in a home setting ( which was my midwife's office that feels like a home). I planned for months, studied the process, and did everything I needed to get ready. The one thing I didnt know anything about was csections. I was like "meh, im not going to need this stuff". Well, at 32 weeks I went in and found out I had preclampsia and my son's cord was coming out. So, without preparation or time to think about it I was rushed to the hospital and within an hour of being there my son was born through csection. I am all for home birth and natural birth but the 3days to recover and have help in the hospital is kinda nice too =)