Monday, December 29, 2008


Cooper was in one of his rare "I can entertain myself" moods this morning so I thought I would get some stuff accomplished. All Christmas decorations are down and put away, all ornaments are off the tree and packed away, the only thing that remains is the tree itself and lights. The tree box is back up in the attic or might have done that too. I did leave two ornaments on the tree, they were stocking stuffers from Steve's parents this year. I'm thinking of actually removing one of them since let's face it, only one of these teams actually have games left to play this season.


melanie said...

Wow! You are beyond the organized woman. This is our first day home since christmas and I am happy just getting some laundry done. :)
Then again I don't really know what it feels like to have the energy of a nonpregnant woman. LOL

Hers and His said...

You go girl! I'm dreading taking down all of our Christmas decorations...