Last night was the annual Murphy Christmas Party. It was the third time that Steve and I attended, although we did have to miss last year. If you know Melanie, you know that she us an awesome host. You can just call her Martha. First her house is beautifully decorated, she had tables set up and decorated for the guests, and the food was amazing. We started off with some appetizers and mingling. I would say there were about 24 people there. Next came dinner, which was awesome. Us, the Reid's, and the Bush's got sat together, I think Melanie knew what she was doing considering the talk turned to bodily function at our table. Dinner consisted of soup, salad, smashed potatoes, glazed carrots, and some type of meat with a blue cheese filling. Don't quote me on this, I just know it was delicious. After dinner we headed to the basement for deserts which was cake, cookies, truffles, brownie bites... need I say more. There was some games the always famous gift exchange. I didn't take a lot of pictures, if you would like to see more check out Tracey's blog, Rainman's family.
Here is our table, my picture doesn't do it justice.

The salad and soup, I forgot to take any more food pictures.

The girls, Gretchen, myself, and Tracey.

Eric and Tracey.

Paul and Gretchen.

Steve and myself.

And finally, the loot. Steve ended up with a game, In a Pickle. It looks fun, not for sure exactly how to play it yet. And I ended up with a cute snowman ornament (from Gretchen) that is going to be Cooper's ornament this year.

A big thanks to Matt & Melanie for another great evening. I feel privliged to be apart of the invite list. I look forward to it every year.
Matt asks why you think you would be invited next year?-- just kidding. Your blog is flattering and appreciated. Thanks for coming. I enjoy the fun in preparing the christmas party. I am so glad you and steve could come.
I'm so glad you guys were there this year. It was fun, sitting and shooting the fat with you all.
WE had a blast! Glad you came.
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