Our first game was blowing q-tips through a straw into heart shaped bowls. It took a while for my line to get the hang of it.
We had the class divided into three groups, the first group played pass the heart necklace. It was similar to to musical chairs, when the music stopped the one wearing the necklace was out, but they also got a treat.

Next up was pin the lips on the Valentine, which was a giant heart tapped on the wall. I didn't find any pictures so I assume Steve didn't get any. The last section a bean bag toss on an X's and O's board. I think they played tic-tac-toe with it.
While we were getting snacks ready, cake pops and pretzel rods, Ms Amy read the kids a couple stories. Steve said it was so cute how Cooper was listening and paying attention to the story. He loves books so that doesn't surprise me. I think she read a story about Clifford.
Steve had to leave right after snack time, so there went my picture guy. After snacks we helped the kids pass out the Valentines. Each kid needed an adult to help them and that took up more time than I had anticipated. We ended up with about 15 minutes to spare, just enough time to make our Monster Valentine I had blogged about last week. Overall I think it was a successful party. I had fun planning and organizing. Cooper had fun too, so that is really all that matters.
Next up was pin the lips on the Valentine, which was a giant heart tapped on the wall. I didn't find any pictures so I assume Steve didn't get any. The last section a bean bag toss on an X's and O's board. I think they played tic-tac-toe with it.
Fun mommy memories!
YEAH!! :)
All the games look like a lot of fun! I'm glad you had a good time putting it together!
I can't wait for this kind of "mommy" stuff. Looks like it was a success! ☺
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