Gretchen has inspired me to grow out my hair. I don't know if I can make the whole year, it's already getting on my nerves, but I'm going to give it my best shot. This was totally accidental. After both my pregnancies I had horrible hair for about a year. I tried to change things up and get layers last Spring and it made it even worse. The only way to fix it was to grow the layers out. Sometime this past fall it grew out long enough and I actually started to enjoy my hair again. I have had one trim since September. So, just like Gretchen I am going to posting once a month. I have the first picture saved under January 9th, the second was taken this past Sunday. From now on I'm going to do it the first Sunday of every month, only because I can guarantee I will have my hair fixed.

I can't really tell a huge difference, maybe it the way I have it fixed but the first looks slightly longer, which can't be possible. To show a better difference, this was taken last Super Bowl. Oh my, look at my boys.

And check this one out, this was right before I found out I was pregnant with Cameron. Wish me luck!

I love that you girls are doing this and taking pics! Can't wait to see!
I could tell last night it is getting longer!! Maybe you should get on prenatal vitamins. ;)
Good luck! I couldn't do it. Mine is so thick and wavy that it gets so stringy if I try to go any longer than it is now.
I could tell from recent pics it looked like you were growing it out! I can REALLY tell between last year & this year! WOW!
Good luck. I'm boring when it comes to my hair. I AM scared of that change! ;)
more power to 'ya sister! i've been there time and time again and just can't do it! i can't wait to see you with long hair!
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