Cooper worked on some puzzles. He is getting awesome! I think it's time to graduate to 48 piece ones.
We played cars. Our foyer is the perfect place for serious car action.

During Cameron's nap I broke out the paints. This is one of Cooper's favorite activities and we don't get near enough time to do this.
I found this activity on pinterest, making The Very Hungry Caterpillar by using hand prints. I mean, how stinkin' cute is this?

Cooper had school this morning and Cameron had a play date with a little girl from church. I had forgotten how easy play dates are when the kids are under 18 months. While he was napping today, Cooper and I worked on Valentine's. We have to bring Valentine's to school and Peeps next week. I am still working on the school ones so today we did the ones for Peeps. We are just doing your standard store bought ones with M&M's. Of course we didn't get far before the M&M's found their way to Cooper's mouth. Who am I kidding? They made their way to mine too :)

He was struggling writing his name today. Don't know if the pen or the small space to write it. Jill, can you come over and work with him? You're a leftie too, right? I'm only half kidding, I may really call you when it's time to tie his shoes. Now that I think about it maybe Tim Tebow will help us out, he's a leftie.
During Cameron's nap I broke out the paints. This is one of Cooper's favorite activities and we don't get near enough time to do this.
Cooper had school this morning and Cameron had a play date with a little girl from church. I had forgotten how easy play dates are when the kids are under 18 months. While he was napping today, Cooper and I worked on Valentine's. We have to bring Valentine's to school and Peeps next week. I am still working on the school ones so today we did the ones for Peeps. We are just doing your standard store bought ones with M&M's. Of course we didn't get far before the M&M's found their way to Cooper's mouth. Who am I kidding? They made their way to mine too :)
He was struggling writing his name today. Don't know if the pen or the small space to write it. Jill, can you come over and work with him? You're a leftie too, right? I'm only half kidding, I may really call you when it's time to tie his shoes. Now that I think about it maybe Tim Tebow will help us out, he's a leftie.
That caterpillar is super cute. I've been looking for a new idea for Jake and me. I may just steal it! :)
I miss Chillers!!! I love Cameron with his loot before his nap!! CUTE!
Fun post!
We were going to head to Chiller's and then had a friend visit and lost track of time. Definitely a must this weekend! Would love to give you tips on being a leftie. Although I'm not sure what to tell ya! My kindergarten teacher used to try to force me to write with my right hand. Kinda stunk! ;)
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