to this?
I was in the car this morning and head Bon Jovi Never Say Goodbye. This is what was on the radio when Cameron was born. At times it seems like Cameron has been in our lives forever and other it just seems like yesterday. I started to think about how old Cooper was when we found out I was pregnant. It's not like we just woke up one day and decided to have another child, there was planning involved. That got me thinking, if we were to have another child and space it out the same as we did Cooper and Cameron, it would be like thinking about it again this June or July. That can't be possible! He was just born yesterday.
He really is turning into the sweetest little guy and if you can believe it, a daddy's boy! He still doesn't like church all that much but he will stay with Steve's parents without crying. That is a huge accomplishment. While Cooper is our observer, Cameron is going to be our doer. I find him trying to climb anything and everything. Take the grocery store of example, if he wants something out of cart he will try to stand up and turn around in the cart. Shopping is not an easy task with this little one. He loves Cooper so much and wants to be just like him. I love watching my little guy grow and become more independent. I need to face it, he will be my independent one.
No, it does NOT seem like he can be 17 months old. Time flies, huh?!
And the older we get, the faster time goes. He's a doll baby. I miss those boys!
It definitely doesn't seem like he could be that big already!!! Geez!
he is a doll and still is :)) what a sweetie! hard to imagine it goes so quickly
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