Sunday, April 10, 2011


We all know that kids say the darnedest things, right? Here are just a few from Cooper;

Steve was standing a chair getting something out of the cabinet above our stove, Cooper says, "you not supposed to stand on a chair, you might fall and hurt neck and never walk again"

Later that night Steve was about to move his car from the driveway to the garage. He asked Cooper if he wanted to help him and he could sit in a special place in the front. Cooper asks in the most innocent three year old voice, "policeman come get me?"

I guess I use scare tactics too often.

There really is no reason for this picture besides the fact I don't have any other ones to use. It's just a game he likes to play called big big ramp.

1 comment:

ginmommy said...

Crack me up what he said about falling and not walk again!!!