Friday, April 29, 2011
Mr Big Shots
Someone thinks he is Mr Big Shots around here. This little guy tries to stand up as much as he again. Earlier this week he was trying to stand and mother of the year here goes to grab the camera but not before he takes a tumble and hits his head on the Exersaucer and then the floor. Not five minutes later I see him in the bathroom pulling out the drawers and using those to try and stand. He does the same thing in the kitchen. He has me on my toes people, I should have known when he starting crawling at 6 months he was going to be a wild child.

House News
After 13 days on the market our house sold!!!! I still can't believe it. We had a showing one night, our realtor called that evening to give us our offer, he came over the next night so we could write up our counter offer, he called an hour later saying we just sold our house. They had the home inspection last week, the buyer signed off on it this week, all we are waiting on is the appraisal to come back and for closing which should be sometime by the end of May. Now I realize none of this is 100% certain until we walk out of closing, but it's looking good so far. I have a funny picture to show you guys. When they did the inspection they also did a radon test. It had to be set up in our living room from a Wednesday afternoon till Saturday afternoon. We weren't allowed to touch, move, or bump into it. Three minutes before they knocked on the door to pick it up, Cameron got within about an inch from knocking it over. Somehow my two children managed to stay away from this for 3 full days.
Here is where things got a little tricky for a few days. Remember the house I told you about, we will call it house A? We wrote up an offer on it the night we wrote our counter offer. Our realtor called us the next morning, which was a Friday, to let me know there was an issue with taxes. It was new construction and hadn't been lived in, but since it sat completed all of 2010 it had a tax bill of $3400/year. The deal was off, there was no way we could swing that. Then there was house B. This was a house Steve and I had always admired. It's in a neighborhood close to us now so we have driven past it many times. At one point it was priced higher than house A, then it was reduced to the same price as house A. We had been inside both houses and house A did have three things going for it; a front porch, an awesome kitchen, and a finished family room in the basement. Something was calling me to house B though. So when I got the news on the taxes I asked about house B. Would you believe the day we sold our house the price got reduced again, now it was lower. Our realtor set up a meeting between us and the builder for that Monday so we could see about finishing the basement now that we had more room to wiggle on the price. In the meantime, I took my mom out to see both houses during the open house. Yes, house A had the porch and kitchen but once again there was something about house B. So on that Monday we met with the builder, I only had intentions on seeing about finishing the family room. After seeing his costs we walked away putting in an offer to finish the entire basement. There is no way he could finish it on our own for that price. We got a call the next day, the builder accepted!!! We drove past later that week and noticed this awesome sale pending sign!
I still can't believe we are moving in about 7 weeks. If all goes at it should, we will close on our house at the end of May, then on the new house about two weeks later. Our buyer is giving us 30 days to get out and we get possession immediately on the new house, so we will have about two weeks to move. We have to give the builder a deposit next week and then they will start on the basement. Once it's done we get to meet with the decorator to pick out paint colors.

A few fun facts we are excited about. Our backyard is tiny, it's going to take Steve about half the time to mow our yard now. To make up for not having a yard, we will live on a roundabout, and across the street is a huge circle of grass and soon to be shrubs that anyone can use for playing, a picnic, whatever you want. We get the advantage of a big yard without having to mow. And the best news? We have a clubhouse and pool, and it's pretty much across the street. We do have to pay a pricey homeowner fee for this, but no more than what it would cost to maintain your own pool, once again without the work. We have a built in fire pit in the backyard. I guess they decided if we can't give them a yard we should give them a fire pit. Cooper keeps asking when we can move into the house with the marshmallow pit. Oh and one more. Our neighbors, for now... there is an empty lot between us, are my best friend from high schools parent. Did I say that right? Anyway, she lives in Colorado now and only comes in once or twice a year. It's hard to get together when she does because it's usually during the holidays and things get so busy. Well now there will be no excuse, she will be staying next door to me.
That's it for now, sorry it's long winded. I'll be sure to update you when I know more as well. I'll also cry to you guys if something goes south.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Trip to the Principal's Office
This month's blog off topic is a memorable moment, that can't be related to marrying your spouse or having your children. I struggled with this one. I am a boring person. I haven't been out of the county, I'm not a risk taker, I'm just plain boring. So I'm sure it's hard to believe I was a little miss goodie good in high school :) I made good grades, hung around a good group of kids, was a rule follower, and teachers liked me. One day, a few months before graduation, I'm sitting in my Calculus class when the principal himself comes over the intercom. He sounds furious! He says, "please send Laura and Jami to my office". I have no idea what is going on. Then someone asks us if we got the t-shirts approved. No, why would we? Then it hit me, oh boy we are in trouble!
I was class president and Laura was another office, can't remember which, doesn't matter. One of our responsibilities was to design and distribute our senior class shirts. We came up with a contest that whoever submits the winning slogan, the class would vote on it, would get a free shirt. The winning slogan won by a long shot, not even a contest really. We didn't even think about telling our class sponsor about it we just went ahead an ordered. Laura and I both had class together during first lunch hour so we has someone else distribute them. Thanks to a couple of people the words "Let's blow this joint" turned into a huge fiasco! In my little 17 year old mind I didn't think twice about this, even now looking back I think it's all silly. We are seniors, it's springtime, we are ready to get the heck out of dodge. How can you turn into something drug related? Well someone did. We spent some time in the principal's office, had class meetings where Laura and I had to address the class and answer questions, more time in the principal's office. In the end, the t-shirt prevailed. But not before we had to make an announcement ourselves to the entire school that the shirt is meant to imply we are ready to leave this place. If you didn't think bad thing about the shirt before you are going to now. It was just plain ridiculous if you ask me. At least I can say I almost made it my entire schooling without going to the principal's office.
After this was said and done, our class sponsor apologized because she knew I would never do anything intentionally to get in trouble. Told ya I was teacher's pet!
I was class president and Laura was another office, can't remember which, doesn't matter. One of our responsibilities was to design and distribute our senior class shirts. We came up with a contest that whoever submits the winning slogan, the class would vote on it, would get a free shirt. The winning slogan won by a long shot, not even a contest really. We didn't even think about telling our class sponsor about it we just went ahead an ordered. Laura and I both had class together during first lunch hour so we has someone else distribute them. Thanks to a couple of people the words "Let's blow this joint" turned into a huge fiasco! In my little 17 year old mind I didn't think twice about this, even now looking back I think it's all silly. We are seniors, it's springtime, we are ready to get the heck out of dodge. How can you turn into something drug related? Well someone did. We spent some time in the principal's office, had class meetings where Laura and I had to address the class and answer questions, more time in the principal's office. In the end, the t-shirt prevailed. But not before we had to make an announcement ourselves to the entire school that the shirt is meant to imply we are ready to leave this place. If you didn't think bad thing about the shirt before you are going to now. It was just plain ridiculous if you ask me. At least I can say I almost made it my entire schooling without going to the principal's office.
After this was said and done, our class sponsor apologized because she knew I would never do anything intentionally to get in trouble. Told ya I was teacher's pet!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
He is Risen!
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter. I think sometimes we need an Easter like this year. A day to remember it isn't about dressing up, picking out the cutest outfits for our kids, hunting eggs in beautiful weather. It's about our Lord and what he did for us.
I love our church, but I especially love our church on Easter. I love the energy and excitement. It was my week to greet for our Early Childhood Department. I wasn't able to join service until the sermon was about to start. For me, it wasn't about the music today, it was all about the preaching. And let me tell you, our preacher was in rare form. Due to time constraints on Easter Sunday, the message is always short and simply. Christ died, he rose, we are saved. He did dig a little deeper than that, but it was his stories that got us going. The man can tell a story! I'm so blessed to be apart of Eastside.
We had three services this morning instead of the usual two. We needed to be out the door by 9:25, usually we have to leave by 9:00. The extra 25 minutes allowed Cooper a little drum time.
We went to Steve's parents house after church and managed a decent family picture.

I love these two! The boys and the pictures!

They got some treats from Mamaw and Papaw. I love Cameron's face looking at these puffs.
I love our church, but I especially love our church on Easter. I love the energy and excitement. It was my week to greet for our Early Childhood Department. I wasn't able to join service until the sermon was about to start. For me, it wasn't about the music today, it was all about the preaching. And let me tell you, our preacher was in rare form. Due to time constraints on Easter Sunday, the message is always short and simply. Christ died, he rose, we are saved. He did dig a little deeper than that, but it was his stories that got us going. The man can tell a story! I'm so blessed to be apart of Eastside.
We had three services this morning instead of the usual two. We needed to be out the door by 9:25, usually we have to leave by 9:00. The extra 25 minutes allowed Cooper a little drum time.

I love these two! The boys and the pictures!

They got some treats from Mamaw and Papaw. I love Cameron's face looking at these puffs.
I had intentions on taking the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday but God gave us other plans. It's like he was telling us, it's not all about egg hunting folks! We ended up having a fun family day. Sit back and relax because there are lots of pictures.
It started off with an early morning run to Jeff's Bakery for donuts. Check out that outfit. Who else can get away with Buzz Lightyear pajamas, a red IU hoodie, and bright yellow hat?
Yummy!!! Steve took his picture, I think he is getting the hang of my blogging. I have enjoyed Steve being home but I don't think my waistline has.
Cooper enjoyed his donut with sprinkles.
And don't tell anyone, but this little fellow had some chocolate!
After Cameron's morning nap it was time to color Easter eggs. Don't they both look excited?

Cooper wasn't really into it last year but had a blast this year.

Alright, enough picture mom!

This one is a little funny. Those who know Steve, knows he likes to say things like, " I bet Jesus didn't complain while up on that cross". This is his egg, and....
It started off with an early morning run to Jeff's Bakery for donuts. Check out that outfit. Who else can get away with Buzz Lightyear pajamas, a red IU hoodie, and bright yellow hat?

Cooper wasn't really into it last year but had a blast this year.

Alright, enough picture mom!

This one is a little funny. Those who know Steve, knows he likes to say things like, " I bet Jesus didn't complain while up on that cross". This is his egg, and....
Friday, April 22, 2011
Staycation Day #5
To conclude our last official day of vacation we celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese. Yes, I realize we were just there a week ago. But have you ever taken a non walker that had to be carried the whole time and three year who wants you to play with him the whole time, by yourself to that place? Since I knew Cooper didn't get as fun experience out of it as he could if both Steve and I went, I promised him another trip. It was the thing he was looking forward to most all week. He would wake up every morning and ask if it was Chuck E Cheese Day. $20 to feed all of us and play for over an hour, you really can't beat it.
First up we got a little basketball action it.
And I am that parent that puts their child on the floor. Sometimes you just need both hands. I'm thinking Cameron is starting to look a lot like Maggie, always has that darn paci in this mouth.

Did you know they have a lot of new games? It's like the remodeled the whole place. Like this frog game.

And a new bowling arcade game. This one was awesome. You get to play 4 frames, so at least 8 rolls. Steve says he wants this one in our basement when we get a new house.
A fun little football game. I can just see my future Peyton Manning.
They also have a fun children's basketball game. Our camera was acting up and had a delay on it so I didn't get many action shots. My guy has a nice shot for a leftie.
First up we got a little basketball action it.

Did you know they have a lot of new games? It's like the remodeled the whole place. Like this frog game.

And a new bowling arcade game. This one was awesome. You get to play 4 frames, so at least 8 rolls. Steve says he wants this one in our basement when we get a new house.

Staycation Day #4
I think Thursday was my favorite day of vacation. We went bowling!!! It was Cooper's first experience. He had.a.blast! I can't wait to go back.
He was very territorial about his green ball.
Cooper and his first roll. It took about 14 1/2 minutes to get down the lane.

After the first frame, Cooper is in the lead.

You can't go bowling without a few action shots.

We tried to teach Cooper how to do the granny roll. I think the ball went even slower.

Little man had a good time too. He like watching me get excited when I had a good roll.
Final scores. I think it may have been my best score ever.

Funny story on the way home. Steve was telling Cooper how good he did at the bowling alley. A few minutes later Cooper was asking him what he said after bowling. It took us a few minutes, finally Cooper said, "you said bowling Allie". He had a friend named Allie, so now he thinks it's a bowling Allie!
He was very territorial about his green ball.

After the first frame, Cooper is in the lead.

You can't go bowling without a few action shots.

Little man had a good time too. He like watching me get excited when I had a good roll.

Funny story on the way home. Steve was telling Cooper how good he did at the bowling alley. A few minutes later Cooper was asking him what he said after bowling. It took us a few minutes, finally Cooper said, "you said bowling Allie". He had a friend named Allie, so now he thinks it's a bowling Allie!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Staycation Days 2 & 3
We kept our regular scheduled activities for Tuesday and Wednesday. I had already cancelled speech on Monday and didn't want to do that again and we had some other things to do that Cooper always enjoyed. On Tuesday morning Cooper had his final story hour for the spring. Steve stayed home with Cameron so he could actually get a morning nap in his crib. Poor little thing always has to nap on the go. In the afternoon, Steve took Cooper to speech while Cameron and I hung out at home. I took him walking and mr big pants can fit into the umbrella stroller. He thought he was hot stuff. Wednesday morning I went to my Bible Study then Steve and the boys met me at church for our playgroup. We were going to have an egg hunt but the ground was too wet. They kids ended up playing in the gym. I didn't take any pics from Wednesday but I have a few cute ones from Tuesday.
The boys and their wagon. They love it. Cameron loves to look at the person following the wagon and laugh at them.
My silly boy in his daddy's hat.
The boys and their wagon. They love it. Cameron loves to look at the person following the wagon and laugh at them.

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