We have a few changes going on around here, so far so good, so I thought I would share.
The small one- Cooper moved classes at church. He is now in with the three and four year olds. He looks so tiny in there. His first week was this past Sunday. He did awesome! They go to their classroom for a short lesson, then head to the children's auditorium for singing and worship, then back to the classroom for a craft. His teacher told me he was just singing and dancing away. So wish I could have seen it. I just happened to be working in the nursery when a helper took him to the restroom, he just walked right past me said hi and went right on back to his room. Such a big boy!!!!!
The bigger one- Cooper has aged out of first steps and is now receiving therapy through the school system. I was a nervous ninny at first. In first steps the therapist came to our home once a week for an hour and he had one on one attention. Now we go to Utica twice a week for 30 minutes and there are two other kids in the room. Also, during his first steps they played, a lot!!! Now there is no play time, it is all work. Which it has to be, there isn't much time. I went back in the room with him for both sessions last week and he went by himself today. The teacher remarked that she has never seen a three year old handle it so well in the beginning like he has. I think the structure of it is going to help him out next year when he goes to pre-school. Of course these were not my biggest concerns. My concern was the time, it starts at 3. I don't even get him down for a nap until almost 2. We have to adjust our schedule on these days. I get him lunch around 11 just so Mr. Slowpoke can eat and wind back down for an early nap. This pretty much means we stay home those mornings, no play dates. But it also means no fighting bedtime either, he was rubbing his eyes tonight during books.
Now the biggest one, at least for me. I have decided to cancel my Jazzercise membership and join the Y. I know, I can hear the gasps now. I am struggling to get there for the class times and when you factor in the cost I pay for childcare it's almost $60/month. I want to get a good workout on the weekends so I don't have to take the kids, but Saturdays are our only morning to hang out as a family. I would love to be able to work out during nap time. Plus there is that 5k I was going to run last year. I am sad!!! I love Jazzercise but it's time for something new. I need some more motivation. I need a challenge and it just wasn't doing the job anymore. I'll miss all the people and instructors. But, I have to do what I have to do.