Wednesday, April 7, 2010

16 Week Check Up

I had my 16 week check up today and it turned our very eventful! It was supposed to be a routine "check for the heartbeat, any questions" type of visit. My doctor was out of town so I seen one nurse practitioners. I was actually in the room with her before my scheduled visit time so that was awesome. She got out the doppler, I laid down, and of course she can't get the heartbeat. Normally this would have freaked me out, I mean I'm 16 weeks and I heard it last time we should be able to hear it again. For some reason I was pretty calm. She tried for almost a good 5 minutes but with no luck. It could be because my uterus is tilted making the baby in a difficult position to hear the heartbeat or because the baby is just so small still and moving a lot. She told me they will go ahead and try and fit me in to do an ultrasound to double check everything. I was able to get in immediately thank goodness, I tried to call Steve to update him but he didn't answer, of course I am by myself on a visit like this. Anyway, they got me back quickly and as soon as she turned on the machine we could see the heart beating, HUGE RELIEF! It was 148 bpm, everything looked great. She apologized because her printer was down and couldn't give me any pictures but she did show me a good profile view. Then she asked the big question.... are you going to find out the gender? I am a very impatient person, if I have a chance to know something, especially something as big as this, I want to know. So I asked if it was too early to tell and she said she would go ahead and take a look. I did say if she can see to write it down and put it in an envelope so Steve & I could look at it together. She was able to see and she did write it down, told me it was about 98% accurate and I will get the confirmation and all the measurement at my 20 week appt.

So, this was all around 10:00, I have at least 6 more hours of keeping this in my purse. Since I wasn't able to get ahold of Steve I called Gretchen and told her the story, she said I was better than her b/c she would have so looked. I was almost to Steve's parents house to pick up Cooper when he called back. I told him the story, at first he thought I wasn't going to be able to get another ultrasound, but I said no, that is still scheduled. We both pretty much at this point had the same feeling on what the paper said, so he told me to go ahead and look. The paper read:

It's a boy! Congratulations!

We both figured that if they could see something then it probably was in a fact a boy. I totally feel like I'm cheating the system by finding out this early. I have another 4 weeks before I was supposed to find out. But now we know and you know as well. I'm excited, at first I said I wanted another boy then I started talking myself into thinking it might be a girl, either way it didn't matter to me at all. As long as the baby is healthy. Steve joked that we have to try for three, but I think we are done. I wont have another baby just to have a girl, I will have another baby to have a BABY! Cooper is getting a little brother, now we just need to decide on a name.


Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

Aww! Congrats on a boy!!!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...


Amy said...

Aww! I'm glad everything turned out OK. Cooper is going to be a great big bother! I'm a little jealous that you already know. Larry wants to wait and I just don't know if I can do it. :)

Amy said...

Sorry it should say Cooper is going to be a great big brother!

Jaime Mac said...

AWWWW! I wouldn't have been able to wait either. Matter of fact, I wouldn't have even wanted to wait for her to write it on paper! Congrats to you guys! You'll have to update us in 4 weeks if it is, in fact, 'still' a boy! :)

Susie said...

Congratulations!! I know Cooper must be excited.

Tracey said...

Let the planning begin!!! :)
So excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear the name you both decide on! Boys are awesome!

Jill said...

YEA! So excited for you guys! What wonderful news!!!

ginmommy said...

Thanks for letting me know so soon. I know you'll be a great mom to two boys ;)

Melissa said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! I can't wait to find out what the name will be. Janel is going to be so jealous you got to find out early!!

Mrs. Wesely said...

Yay for a boy!!!! They will have so much fun growing up together. :)

Rachel said...

YAY! Congrats!!!