Last night we met the Reid's, Murphy's, McCarty's, and Ausmus's at Waterfront Park for a picnic and some playtime. It's always a good time to get together and watch the kids play and interact. It was such a beautiful evening as well, perfect weather this weekend. Oddly enough we did manage to grab a spot that had the rain cloud and managed to get a few drops of rain on us. We had a great time and it wore Cooper out, which is even better because he slept until 7:15 today. We left a little early to get home and get baths and I needed to finish making a Butterfinger cake for Steve to take to work, I can't decide if I want him to bring any home or not, probably not.
I shouldn't leave out Saturday night, it was fun too. Cooper and I hung out at the Bush's with Gretchen, Pierce, Hope, Jill, Reece, and Janie. It's pretty much the only place I can go and Cooper doesn't pay too much attention to me and just goes off and does his own thing. It's nice. Steve had the 7th of our 9 game season tickets to the Bats. He has really enjoyed them this summer, I think it was a great birthday present if I do say so. Enjoy the pictures.
Cooper & Steve playing before the rest of our party arrived.

Melanie, Matt (holding Addie), Eric, Tracey and Levi

Me, Cooper & Corbin.... Corbin was our friend because we had the full bag of Goldfish.

Look at this cute kid.

Tracey, talking to.....


Corbin playing Peek-a-Boo

Eric, Melanie, and Josh... wonder what they are talking about?

It was a fun times guys... we need to do this more often.
LOVE the pics of Cooper with his hand in his pocket ;) Yes, Saturday night was fun, thanks for coming and bringing the wonderful brownies and ordering the pizza.
Totally agree that we should do that more often!!! Very fun. Um, except...I was talking to Janna! :)
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