The rest of the week was awesome, as mentioned we did the zoo on Tuesday and we went to the YMCA for swimming and lunch with Jess and her three boys. It wasn't just the fun activities either, Cooper was in an awesome mood and even cuddling a bit. We had a great time at the Y with Jess and the boys, thanks for getting us in! I didn't take any pictures since we were in the water but Cooper had a good time, even if I had to hold him the entire time. Jess's youngest, Carter is only a month older than Cooper. They couldn't be more different, besides their size, they are both pretty small for their age. Carter has dark hair and eyes, Cooper is blond and blue eyes, Carter has no fear, Cooper is scared of everything. I think it's the the two older brothers that brings it out in Carter. After lunch at Chick-fil-A Jess still had Carter in the stroller and one of the twins asked me why I wasn't using my stroller, I wanted to respond "because I'm not as blessed as your mommy to have the miracle of two fertilized eggs", but I left as I'm not as blessed as your mommy. Oh, I finally can tell them apart. Their names are Aaron and Aidan, Aidan looks like his dad, Adam. So it's AiDan, ADam.... get it?
Tonight we had some family time. Our plans were to go to Pizza King for dinner but Steve suggested we eat here and go out and get Cooper some new puzzles and a new DVD player for our bedroom. We were using the one my dad got me when I moved out after I graduated college. I don't even know or recognize the brand, he works at Jeff Boat and I'm pretty sure he bought it off some guy, you know the ones who show up with a truck load of random items. Anyway, it was never work right so we bought a $30 one at Target. We also went to Toys R Us, got two new puzzles and a plush Alpha Pig for Cooper. I still can't believe I spent money on that thing but he loves Alpha Pig. The funniest part of our week was at dinner tonight when we were talking about when to have another child, Steve then mentioned something about a third... not once but twice tonight. Monday we were done have kids and now we are having three? I told him, well if all nights were like tonight we could just become the next Duggar family. I think I may have started too late to be the Duggars, I'm pretty sure Michelle was early 20's. Here are some pictures from tonight.
I can't get enough of my two favorite guys relaxing.
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