Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Found Confidence

I have some new found confidence after this week and especially tonight. If you know us and know Cooper you know that he strives on structure. He didn't start sleeping through the night till he was 6 months old and even as young as a few weeks it was always a struggle to get him to sleep anywhere but at home or in the car. During the four months I was working I would pick him up from daycare and I would notice on his chart he would nap 4-5 times a day all for only 20-30 minutes. They called him their cat-napper. This made for a not so happy kiddo at times. So when I quit work last June and got him on a good schedule he did so great I never wanted to break it. I made sure I was home for all naps... I did allow him to fall asleep in the car but only if it was nap time. Sometimes it seemed silly but it was what worked the best for us. Then there was last summer when he went to bed at 7:00 and struggled if it got too late and wouldn't sleep anywhere else so we were always home early. There were times when I got a little worried about this, with Steve working in pediatrics for 6 years I know that the kids who need that structure are sometimes the kiddos that need the most help as they get older. It is something I pray about all the time. However.... things are getting much better and Steve and myself are lightening up quite a bit about loosening our structure. He is starting to handle breaks in routine, he can stay up past his bedtime.. although he still gets up at the same time. I know to some people I sound crazy... he is a year and half, but is just who he is. At times it has also caused us to question if we would have another child or not. I know we are being paranoid but when you are married to an occupational therapist who was worked with children with all types of learning/behavorial/emotional disorders and you see it first hand, it's hard not to be paranoid.
I guess the purpose of this post is me realizing "everything is going to be okay" and coming to peace with things. He can handle change... it took him a while, but he can handle it.

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