Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mother of the year

I'm pretty sure I lost my mother of the year award this past week.

Instance number one- Cooper and I made up a new game called the mailbox game. I push Cameron in the stroller, Cooper runs to the first mailbox, stops and wait for us to catch up and takes off for the next one. We played with Steve on Saturday and I am so thankful he was with us on this one. I didn't see it but next thing I hear is, "mommy, mommy, mommy" Cooper took a fall on the concrete and nothing braced his fall but his head. He screamed the entire way back home and the whole time we put ice on it. It looked terrible at first but has healed very quickly. He was scared to look at it in the mirror.

Instance number two- Today was my last Bible study I have been attending on Wednesday mornings. The leader of our group suggested we get together afterwards for lunch at Chuy's. All was going well until the food arrived. Cameron tried to grab something off my plate, I thought I had gotten it all out of his hand until I realized he had something in his mouth. It was a jalapeno. Of course I jab my fingers in his mouth and yank it out but not quick enough. He was screaming like a banshee. Poor kid, those things are hot. So thankful I got it out before he swallowed it.

Nominate me now ladies, I just may win mother of the year.


ginmommy said...

Tee hee. I can chuckle about this, because I've had so many 'mother of the year' moments myself!! No worries, I've heard worse ;)

Jaime Mac said...

Wow, I do think you're out of the running! Sorry, maybe next year?! :)

Susie said...

Glad the boys are ok. I am sure these accidents won't be the last. Don't be to hard on yourself.

the lewis gang said...

ha!! girl, i'm usually out of the running in early january! glad you kept your name in until early june!!! :)

Tracey said...

Poor kids. I'm calling CPS. I'll make it an annoynomous call b/c they've heard my name one too many times!