I have been inspired by Kelly over on Kelly's Korner to do a week in the life blog series. I probably should have started on a Sunday but if I waited I might not have done it and this is a good way to get me back into the swing of things. I let my blogging go to the wayside after Cameron was born. So here goes nothing.
My days starts at 6:00. I must have a shower or I am a total grump. It's kind of like my coffee since I don't drink the stuff. This morning I got up at 6, took a quick showers, skipped out on washing my hair and laid back down. Cameron started waking up around 6:30 but was quiet enough that I didn't go get him till around 6:50. I changed him, made a bottle and Steve fed him, since he was done getting ready and just watching tv, so I could straighten up our room and stuff. I finished feeding him, Steve left for work and somehow Cooper was still in bed. He had been getting up around 7:00 and before I knew it, it was after 7:30. Normally I would rejoice in this but he had been coughing last night and I started getting worried that maybe he got sick at night so I checked on him. He quickly sat up and our day began.
This is our assembly line of breakfast. Banana, fruit loops, cheerios, and milk for Cooper. He doesn't like his cereal in a bowl with milk, he eats so slow that it gets mushy. I've been mixing his cereal for a long time now, he usually gets a mix of Cheerios and something fun. That way it fills him up and he can good stuff and healthy stuff. Cameron had baby food fruit and yogurt bites. I had a banana and toast with Nutella. My new fav! I couldn't finish it because it was so rich.

After we ate and cleaned up it was down to the basement for play time. Cooper got out Mr and Mrs Potato Head and made Mamaw and Papaw. We also went listened to some Dave Crowder you tube videos and did some dancing before heading back upstairs for Cameron's nap.

I wanted to take them to the park for a picnic so I had Cooper help make some lunch. I love our new snack dispensers from yesterday's shopping trip. This is when our morning got a little crazy which I know one day I will look back on and laugh. Cooper doesn't know how to entertain himself. He's all over the place when he does, it makes it very hard to try and get ready to go anywhere. Today he told me he had to go pee, I was busy so I told him to go my himself and I would be in there in a minute. I go to check on him, he didn't lift the seat up so pee was everywhere. I get it cleaned up and start to get him ready, I go to brush his teeth when Cameron wakes up. I really wanted him to sleep longer so I try to get him back down and come out to find Cooper trying to eat toothpaste. Then Cameron wakes back up and I was going to let him cry but Cooper walks in his room. I was so ready for the park by this point, it did us all good!!!

This also made my happy, the first thing I noticed was a man with a metal detector and shovel. I wonder what kind of treasure they have there at Speed Park.

Cameron loved the swings, he was cracking up the whole time.

Cooper loves the merry go round. Some man was sitting on it the whole time and finally got off right was we were leaving. We had a nice time, ate a quick lunch and there were no tears when we left. My day was getting better. And I'm pretty sure my son was the only three year singing Dave Crowder while going down the slide.

I had to throw one more in.

We got home and I had to make two quick phone calls so the boys wrestled on the ground. We did some more playing downstairs before heading up for nap.

They were both down by 2:30, Cooper woke up at 3:40 and Cameron was up a little after 4:00. It was good quiet time. Once they were up we went to the grocery to buy some stuff for our cook out on Sunday. Cooper loves riding in the carts with the car on the front. It's the only way I can take them both and have room for groceries. He sits up there and talks to me and asks questions the entire time but I can't hear because the cart is loud. I have no idea what he is saying. We get home and Steve is mowing, I make a quick dinner... ham, mashed potato cakes, and green beans. It was yummy! We had strawberry shortcake for dessert, Cooper made such a mess that Steve picked changing Cameron's dirty diaper over cleaning up Cooper.

After dinner Steve went back outside to finish up while we headed downstairs to play more. There was more singing and dancing. Steve got back in, Cooper had a snack, Cameron had his bottle, we had book time, Cameron fell asleep in my lap and finally Cooper was in bed around 8:30.
Hopefully I can continue this for a week, it will be fun to go back and see how I really spent my day.