We made out again today. Our church play group toured the firehouse again this morning. We did it last year, you can click
here to read about it and see how much my baby boy has grown. Cooper was all about driving the firetruck this year. Those that know him can you believe he even allowed someone else to put him up there?

I would love a front view of this smile.

The tour was pretty much the same as last year. The big difference is they asked the fireman doing the demonstration of his gear to put it on in front of the kids so they wouldn't get scared.

And of course it ended with fireman hats.

Insert lots of tears next. I have no idea what happened. The lady giving the tour mentioned something about Halloween and before I know it Cooper is wanting to have Halloween right now in the firehouse. He just couldn't understand it wasn't Halloween yet. Poor guy. He wanted to be held after that, keep in mind he is about 17 lbs over my weight limit I am allowed to pick up. Here I thought taking a baby would be trouble. Nope, that one just slept.
AW! Poor little guy! But looks like it was great fun until the H word was mentioned!!!
Awwhhh, poor little buddy (and mommy!) Looks like other than the Halloween incident it was a good time!
poor thing! it takes a while before they understand that. we have to count the number of nights before we get to a certain activity. that may help him when he gets a little older and it gets a little closer. Right now we are 3 nights of sleeping until Jake's birthday party! ha!
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