Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cooper, Cooper....

what are we going to do with you.

My little (well big guy now) is starting to get so comical. He is getting into pretend play and I love it. He takes the throw blanket from our couch and pretends it's a water hose. He likes to pretend he is playing in a band, pretends to be animals, a monster, camping out on his bedroom floor. The list is never ending. Some of other cute things this week...

While watching Dave Crowder videos on youtube with Steve, he pointed out the man singing was not Kenny (our worship leader at church). He also said the Dave Crowder likes him.

Last night he mentioned he was thirsty so Steve told him to go get his drink out of the fridge and to get him one too. Next thing we hear him start to grunt, he brings Steve a 2-liter of Sierra Mist. We both lost it on that one, I was in tears.

He is still saying "I miss you, mommy" It's the cutest thing ever!

I can't remember the exact context but he was laying next to Cameron and said something along the lines of "mommy is getting it". It was so cute because he grasped that I am his and Cameron's mommy.

He called Cameron pumpkin yesterday, I guess he has heard us call him that too.

1 comment:

ginmommy said...

How cute is that little guy?!?! ;)