anesthesiologist was coming to talk to me about the spinal block procedure. Then Dr Riely came in and I was being wheeled into surgery. This was when the real anxiety kicked in. I have never been so nervous in my entire life. I was shaking like a leaf and couldn't stop. However, I did have my wonderful nurse Rita who took great care of me and helped me to calm down. Once they started the spinal block procedure I was able to calm down. It was the strangest feeling. It takes effect instantly. I could fell the medicine go through my body and down my legs. I could feel a lot more and was more aware than when I had Cooper. I couldn't necessarly feel pain, but I could feel all the pressure and was alert enough to have full conversations with everyone in the room. The anesthesiologist talked me through some of it so I could tell exactly when they were about to pull him out. They had they radio on and Cameron as born during a Bon Jovi song. How appropriate! Cameron was brought into this world at 8:06 am. Steve & I were both shocked to hear his weight. Not that 7 lb 13 oz is big but he is bigger than Cooper was and was born 2 weeks earlier. He is also an inch longer.
He is such the sweetest little baby right now. He is so conent. Almost to a fault, it's been a little tricky to wake up him to eat lately. I am just thankful to be home with my family. I missed Cooper so much and he missed me too. He kept asking for me when he would wake up and cry if I wasn't there. Steve had an unexpected death in his family last Friday so it was hectic trying to figure out who was going to stay with me, who would stay with Cooper and who was going to the funeral home at what time. Steve ended up leaving the hospital early Tuesday morning and besides the visit from him and Cooper didn't come back till Wed morning. We were so relieved when my doctor gave me the okay to come on home. We are just busy settling in as a family of four. Here are a few random picture from the past couple of days.
Prepping for surgery.

yeah!!! i think he looks like cooper!! he is a little chunk! i love it!! congrats!!!
I love hearing people's birth stories. I started to tear up. I will chalk that up to hormones. Ha:) So glad things went well for you. Love the pictures!
I am glad to see everything is going ok. Congratulations!!
He's just precious Jami. I am so happy for you all! I look forward to all the new blog posts with Cameron.
Awhhh, so glad to see you posted this!! Of course, it's wonderful that he was born to a Bon Jovi song!!! It's exciting having a baby!! I hope everything goes as smooth as possible for you all. Oh and he def, looks like Cooper :-)
Aww, I love it all. What a fun time for you all and I'm sure you're cherishing it. He is beautiful. Congratulations again to you guys!
You're making me have baby fever!! He is just precious! Congratulations!
What a sweet post! (Thanks for the 'fresh outta the womb' pic for me! ;) )
I LOVE the pic of you 3 in the operating room! Sooo cute!
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