It was off to work yesterday for Steve. I was a little anxious at first, I didn't do so well when he went back after I had Cooper. I struggled those first few weeks but I'm happy to say I have a whole new attitude this time around. Of course, our so called "low maintenance" baby through a curve ball at us last night. He has been having some screaming fits before going to sleep, which I totally understand, babies need to get their energy out somehow. And the longer and louder the fit, the better he seems to rest at night. Not last night. He was up from 3:00 to 5:15 and 5:45 to 6:30. I got about 90 minutes of sleep past 3 am. I was not going to let that stop me today. I had planned on waiting another day to get out and drive (for the first time in almost 3 weeks) but desperate times call for desperate measures. First stop.... McDonald's for a sweet tea. I do not drink coffee so this is my jolt, although I hate to think of all the empty calories.

After McDonald's it was off to Target. Having two kids may be a good thing for me. I had Cooper in the front of the cart and Cameron's car seat inside the cart. There wasn't much room to put my purchases, may help me stick to my list.
We did get a Halloween project to work on after lunch, but first we needed a quick self-portrait.

Then it was off to take a picture of this wild and crazy guy.

Cooper liked our project. I do too... Halloween window thingies/gel stickers/I don't know what they are called.

Then it was off to some light reading before bed. Cooper is telling Cameron all about his book of trucks.

Oh and huge shout out to my UPS delivery man. THANK YOU for NOT ringing the doorbell, me and my two sleeping children greatly appreciate it.
glad you had a great day!! mcdonald's AND target?! impressive! :)
It is good to see that 2 kids didn't keep you down. Glad to see that you are doing so well.
Look at you being super mom! Way to go! :)
Look at you go! Like I said before you will be an old pro by the end of the week. Let's hope that I can adjust as easily with three. :)
So proud of you!!! Especially after the rough night you had!!! Hang in there and keep going strong mama!!
way to get out there and brave it Jami!
Girl, you went back to work full-time, too! Glad it was such a great day. McDonald's and Sonic drive-thrus are great ways to begin the day. :)
Woo hoo!! It's easier with #2, don't ya think? Sounds like the day was a huge success despite the lack of sleep. :)
Aww, looks like you all are doing well! yeah! Cute last picture of the boys together! So sweet!
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