Thursday, September 30, 2010
God's plans are not our own

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Firehouse Tour

And of course it ended with fireman hats.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hi ho hi ho (it's off to work you go)

We did get a Halloween project to work on after lunch, but first we needed a quick self-portrait.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Oh My Soul
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Cooper, Cooper....
My little (well big guy now) is starting to get so comical. He is getting into pretend play and I love it. He takes the throw blanket from our couch and pretends it's a water hose. He likes to pretend he is playing in a band, pretends to be animals, a monster, camping out on his bedroom floor. The list is never ending. Some of other cute things this week...
While watching Dave Crowder videos on youtube with Steve, he pointed out the man singing was not Kenny (our worship leader at church). He also said the Dave Crowder likes him.
Last night he mentioned he was thirsty so Steve told him to go get his drink out of the fridge and to get him one too. Next thing we hear him start to grunt, he brings Steve a 2-liter of Sierra Mist. We both lost it on that one, I was in tears.
He is still saying "I miss you, mommy" It's the cutest thing ever!
I can't remember the exact context but he was laying next to Cameron and said something along the lines of "mommy is getting it". It was so cute because he grasped that I am his and Cameron's mommy.
He called Cameron pumpkin yesterday, I guess he has heard us call him that too.
1 week (plus 3 days)

Cameron is doing well at night. Last night I think we went 3 1/2 hours between each feeding. He does grunt in his sleep, he is sound asleep but it's hard on Steve & myself to sleep through it. We are keeping him in our room for now, I will most likely move him somewhere around 4-6 weeks of age. Steve moved the rocking chair from the nursery to our closet yesterday. It's a little comical trying to get my shoes since they are behind the chair.
Having two kids my day goes by so fast that it's almost impossible to feel tired. We have been lucky that so far Cameron is taking great naps mid-day so we have been able to nap while Cooper is napping too. The real test comes Monday when Steve goes back to work. I'm anxious but also looking forward to doing it all on my own. It's so true how people say it doesn't take long to forget how life was like with only one. The doctor that assisted my doctor during surgery told me that 1 to 2 kids is easier than 0 to 1. I couldn't agree more. I am so much more relaxed with Cameron. It's hard to believe he will be two weeks Monday. He is back up to his birth weight so no more doctor's visits until his 1 month check up.
Watch out for accidents
Picnic Breakfast

Okay, back to the park. Steve took Cooper last week but I wasn't up to it. I am feeling so much better, barely any pain at all. It was great to get out and spend some time with my boys and the weather was awesome. Cooper enjoyed a little swing time with Daddy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A few randoms
It's a bird, it's a plane
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Craft Time

Just having some fun
Monday, September 20, 2010
I apologize
Saturday, September 18, 2010
First of Many

Miss you Mommy
Give me a few more days buddy and mommy will feel all better and be able to play again with you, I promise!
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you for being such an amazing husband and devoted father. There is nothing sweeter than looking over and seeing your husband watching football with your sleeping 5 day old son in his arms.
The Lord has blessed us with an amazing six years and I look forward to many, many more.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cooper saw me try to feed Cameron yesterday so he says "Mommy give Cameron her belly button"
Tonight he was watching again and Cameron was fighting it, we are having some latch problems, so Cooper says "Cameron don't like mommy's belly button".
I went into the bedroom to finish and I hear Steve trying to read a book to Cooper but he kept cracking up. Oh kids, they say the best things.
September 13, 2010
anesthesiologist was coming to talk to me about the spinal block procedure. Then Dr Riely came in and I was being wheeled into surgery. This was when the real anxiety kicked in. I have never been so nervous in my entire life. I was shaking like a leaf and couldn't stop. However, I did have my wonderful nurse Rita who took great care of me and helped me to calm down. Once they started the spinal block procedure I was able to calm down. It was the strangest feeling. It takes effect instantly. I could fell the medicine go through my body and down my legs. I could feel a lot more and was more aware than when I had Cooper. I couldn't necessarly feel pain, but I could feel all the pressure and was alert enough to have full conversations with everyone in the room. The anesthesiologist talked me through some of it so I could tell exactly when they were about to pull him out. They had they radio on and Cameron as born during a Bon Jovi song. How appropriate! Cameron was brought into this world at 8:06 am. Steve & I were both shocked to hear his weight. Not that 7 lb 13 oz is big but he is bigger than Cooper was and was born 2 weeks earlier. He is also an inch longer.
He is such the sweetest little baby right now. He is so conent. Almost to a fault, it's been a little tricky to wake up him to eat lately. I am just thankful to be home with my family. I missed Cooper so much and he missed me too. He kept asking for me when he would wake up and cry if I wasn't there. Steve had an unexpected death in his family last Friday so it was hectic trying to figure out who was going to stay with me, who would stay with Cooper and who was going to the funeral home at what time. Steve ended up leaving the hospital early Tuesday morning and besides the visit from him and Cooper didn't come back till Wed morning. We were so relieved when my doctor gave me the okay to come on home. We are just busy settling in as a family of four. Here are a few random picture from the past couple of days.
Prepping for surgery.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cameron Scott

We're Home!
Thanks for all the well wishes!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Pancake Saturday
I've lost the battle
I'm pretty sure I've lost the battle on the Colts vs Bears. At least I have another one to influence. We have a Bears Pro Shop catalog and after dinner Cooper was asking to see the bear book. He was looking at it and wanted to know the names of two different players. One of their names was Nick Roach and Steve told him that the tackles people. Later one we were outside playing and Cooper tackled Steve and said, "That's a lot like Nick Roach, daddy." What happened to Bob Sanders? Is he not good enough?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Movie Night

My Nurse is still there!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
38 Weeks
My last time walking into that office pregnant.
The last time (hopefully) I see the scale rise to that level.
The last week I can eat chocolate and it's okay to gain weight.
My last week of pregnancy.
WOW- I can't believe it's finally here.
I can't help but have a little bit of anxiety and I know it's only going to get worse over the next few days. Surgery, how is Cooper going to adjust, how are we going to adjust, how am I ever going to possibly love another person as much as I do Cooper. I know the last is a common worry among parents and I know it's not about sharing as much as it is about your love growing. I think we have prepared him as much as we possibly can. He know he is getting a little brother, he knows where Cameron's room is, and just today in the car he looked over at the car seat base beside him and said "hey look, it's Cameron's car seat". He likes to "love on my belly" so it is going to be a little sad when he can no longer do that, because Monday morning at approx 8:00, as he is waking up in the morning, he will officially be a big brother.
We are to report to the hospital around 6:00 am, surgery is scheduled at 7:30 and it takes around 1 hour from start to finish. Actually the quick part is getting the baby out, once she starts he will be out in about 15 minutes. I am about to become the mother of two boys!
I had a few questions today and they all were answered to my liking. I had to wear an oxygen mask with Cooper almost all day during labor because of his breathing. I asked about it today and yes I do have to wear it during surgery, mainly because blood pressure tends to drop after a spinal or epidural. However, I can speak with the anesthesiologist about removing it and unstrapping my arm so that I can touch and speak to Cameron before he is whisked away. Also, because I'm a big baby, I asked about the catheter. I've heard different things about scheduled c-sections, and they are not to put that in until I am numb. If they try I am to say, NO, Dr Riely says wait. I know I will not sleep a wink Sunday night but I am at peace with the situation. I've done it before, I can do it again. It's controlled, it's not too bad of a recovery, and let's look at the bright side I don't have to worry about peeing on myself every time I do a jumping jack.