Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Party at Adrienne's

Our peeps group met this morning at Adrienne's Bakery for cookie and cupcake decorating. This was the third time we have done this and this was by far the best time we have had. We usually meet in the back room but today we actually had the party in the cake decorating room. It made it so much more organized, as you can tell they had a table set up with all our "supplies". For $5 the kids got to decorate and take home a cookie, 2 cupcakes, and have pizza and a drink for lunch. I went ahead and paid for both Cooper and Cameron so I could help out and take extra teats home. Plus they had enough pizza for the adults too. Cooper wasted no time digging into all the treats.

Cameron as into the treats as well. He saw the M&M's and it was over!

Our first creation was an iced reindeer sugar cookie.

This was Cameron and mines.

This is what they should have looked like.

Next were the cupcakes, we each got a white and chocolate. One was supposed to have icing, sprinkles and Santa. The other had icing, marshmallows, and Smarties. Yes, you read that right, Smarties on a cupcake. Cooper wanted to drink the sprinkles.

I thought marshmallows and Smarties sounded weird but it turned out cute. Reminds me of the game Candyland.

As we were leaving Cooper wanted his picture taken with the pig. Check out his face. I was in amazement today, he isn't the greatest or biggest eater there is. He had tons of treats while decorating then he ate his cupcake, then he still ate his pizza! I'm sure he wont eat for two days now.

I just love my church so much and love how our early childhood director puts so much effort into having weekly activities for the preschoolers. We may not be able to come next year and that makes me sad. She has mentioned changing the day because so many of us will have kids in a Mon/Wed/Fri preschool. Right now I just love the time I get to spend with my kids and the other moms and kids.


Jill said...

Too fun and that's a great price! Jami, I am taking a long maternity leave beginning Friday and will be off Wednesdays now. Would love to hook up with the Peeps group. Do you all have a schedule?!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

That sounds so fun! Those treats look great and all for only $5! :)

Susie said...

That sounds fun!! Ellie does that on Saturdays with her mom and loves it!!

Jaime Mac said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun! And you can't beat all that for $5! Score!

ginmommy said...

Your cupcakes turned out awesome! Fun times!