Tracey's parents host a fall festival for their church every year around Halloween. Tracey has mentioned it to me several times but we always have a family party the same evening. This year I broke tradition and went to the fall festival instead. It sounded much more family friendly. Tracey's mom is known as Grammie and when I told Cooper that is where we were going he immediately asks if we are going swimming. I guess that is what we did last time we were there.
Wanna know something awesome? They have a chili and dessert judging contest. Guess who won the 2nd place dessert contest? ME!!!! Tracey beat me out for first. We are probably the two most non-cooking girls you will ever meet. She used her grandmother's recipe and I used none other than Betty Crocker.
When I say this was much more kid friendly I mean they had one of these and that is my kid up there. I thought for sure he would be scared since it's so big.

I lost count how many times he went up and down.

They also had hayrides and another ride similar to the cow train from Montgomery Farms. Another picture from Instagram, isn't he the sweetest thing ever?

Thanks for having us Tracey! Cooper loved it!