I was having a little bit of a rough day/night today. I'll try to make it short but the fact is Cameron is a screamer. We don't think it's colic because it doesn't last for hours on end, it's just multiple times a day. I don't mean a crier or fussy, I mean screamer. This has went on since he was two weeks old so I've gotten used to it but I, and Steve too, still have our nights. Today was one of them, I guess because it's Friday and I'm tired. The person I feel the worst for is Cooper though. He has taken to things so well and loves on his brother every chance he gets but it seems like so much of his life has been disrupted. I don't spend much time playing with him because I'm either trying to prevent the meltdown or tending to it. Cameron literally goes from 0-60 in like two seconds. We just have to let him scream because nothing really calms him down. It could be worse though, it could last hours, luckily it doesn't. It just wears on you when it's everyday, about every couple of hours.
Leave it to Cooper to make my night. He has been wanting to pray "all by himself" lately. Tonight was no exception. They can get lengthy but here is what I remember-
"Dear God, thank you for my movies, all the stuff I play with, my animals, my tv shows: Handy Manny (which he doesn't watch), Elmo, Mickey Mouse, thank you for the grocery store, Meijer, Target, and Walmart. Amen"
I try not to laugh because I don't want to embarrass him, but I lost it at grocery story and Walmart. I look over at Steve and he is rolling on the floor.
So, here is my prayer "Dear God, thank for my son Cooper for helping me realize this doesn't last forever. One day I will wake up with three and six year old and wonder where my babies went"