Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Still A Boy!

HA! As if I really had any doubt. We had our 20 week ultrasound this morning. It takes some of the anticipation out of it, already knowing the gender, I think I was just nervous about all the measurements this time around. No need to worry, everything looked perfect. She had a hard time getting a good look at his face because his hands were covering it, which is exactly how Cooper slept as a baby. For Cooper's ultrasound I drank some sweet tea about an hour before, this time I didn't think about it so there wasn't as much movement. He weighs approximately 12 oz which my doctor said was right in the 50th percentile for this stage of pregnancy. Cooper was 7 lbs 8 oz at birth which is right at average too but that quickly dropped to the 10th & 15th percentile at each visit, so I'm not crossing my fingers for any football players this time around. I also had my regular check-up. I think I have one more visit then it's glucose testing time. I had just got done telling Steve that all the fun stuff is over, I now get to look forward to glucose, beta strep testing, 2 weeks visits and just plain getting big.

I know I made a post about having a name but that no longer holds true. We thought we did but I can't get Steve to 100% agree which is causing me doubts although it is still my favorite. We had another couple of possibilities but we just can't agree. This afternoon I took a much needed nap (I had Cooper at Steve's parents house by 8:30 followed by a picnic at Perrin Park with our church after my appointment) and I had a dream that we had just come home from the hospital and did not his name and I never got any of Cooper's old clothes washed up. That is so unlike me, I will have that nursery ready in a matter of a month :)

My doctor's office also now does 3D and 4D ultrasounds, I think we may look into the cost of those, they would need to be paid out of pocket, but not sure yet. It would neat, but I also like the surprise of not knowing any features of our baby. I never had one with Cooper, so we will see.


Susie said...


ginmommy said...

Your baby has a weiner ;) BTW, I think those 3D ultra sounds can be kidn of creepy looking...

Jill said...

Yea! Glad you can eat that Mexican, girl! Luckily, I was able to with Kade. . .not sure what I would do without my PV. :)

Tracey said...

Fun stuff! I'll have to ask Jen, but I think she had a 3D ultrasound with Griffin.