Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The point of having kids

Is to have them help you with chores. Cooper couldn't get enough of the Swiffer Sweeper last night.
Then of course we wanted to help Steve with the watering. He had to be standing there holding the hose at all times.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

my boys LOVE to sweep! hey, i let 'em every night!!! ha!

Amy said...

Lucas is all about helping out around the house and I let him. I have to admit he's pretty good to. :)

Susie said...

Ellie loves helping around the house.

Jaime Mac said...

Ahhh, 1 good reason to have children. Let me weigh that against the 9 million I've thought of not too... This may take a while! :)
Seriously though, when I would watch my nephews, they would help in the yard & I loved that! That swiffer action will come in handy when Cameron Uncle Steve is born! lol!