ps- Did I fool you with the post title?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
We added a new member to our family today.... meet Swimmy the Betta fish. Doesn't Cooper look so excited?
We talked last week about getting Cooper a fish and we let him pick out the name, isn't Swimmy a cute name? Silly me, didn't realize regular ol' goldfish requires you already have a tank and cleaned and set up and all that jazz. The only fish we could get and leave with tonight was a Betta. He's cute! I hope we have better luck with this thing than we did with my mom's when I babysat one week while she was out of town.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Parades and Parties
This morning we headed out to the Sellersburg Celebrates parade. It was our first year going. This is what Cooper thought about the parade while waiting for it to start.
This is what Cameron thought. It was during his morning nap. I ended up missing the last 5 minutes to I could take a walk with him. He hung in there pretty good.
This is for you Gretchen!
After the parade we came home, had lunch and played. Guess what?? Cooper napped today which meant we all napped. After naps we headed to Bryce's birthday party. Bryce is the son of Jerome, Steve's friend from work. I think I blogged about his party last year. They are from the Philippines, we were the only white people there. I'm sure it wasn't hard to figure out which ones where our kids. What a difference year makes. Last year Cooper was so scared to jump in the bouncy house with the other kids. This year he was all about it. He had so much fun. All sweaty and dirty afterwards, awesome! I didn't get any pictures. I didn't know most of the people there and sometimes I feel strange taking pictures and posting them when it's other kids and I don't know the parents.
After the parade we came home, had lunch and played. Guess what?? Cooper napped today which meant we all napped. After naps we headed to Bryce's birthday party. Bryce is the son of Jerome, Steve's friend from work. I think I blogged about his party last year. They are from the Philippines, we were the only white people there. I'm sure it wasn't hard to figure out which ones where our kids. What a difference year makes. Last year Cooper was so scared to jump in the bouncy house with the other kids. This year he was all about it. He had so much fun. All sweaty and dirty afterwards, awesome! I didn't get any pictures. I didn't know most of the people there and sometimes I feel strange taking pictures and posting them when it's other kids and I don't know the parents.
We had to give incentives for Cooper to get out of the bouncy when it was time to leave. We bribed him with a bath in the whirlpool tub. Being the good father he is, Steve put his trunks on and gave the kids a bath.
The only time either of us has gotten in the tub has been with the kids. I keep telling myself I'm going to get in there for real one day but it just takes so dang long to fill it up.
It was a wonderful Saturday. Steve works the next 2 out of 3 Saturdays so I am going to soak it all up.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Preschool Orientation
Last night I went to Cooper's Wee Ones orientation. I can't believe it's just a short 11 days away until my baby boy, well big baby boy, starts preschool. For the most part I am 100% okay with this. I do believe he is going to love it. I personally can not wait to pick him up everyday and find out he did and learned, to hear all about his new friends. Then there is the part freaking out that these people are going to be responsible for my baby. They don't know him or what he likes or doesn't like. I think this is going to be great for him socially. Help him come out of his shell a bit. I do find myself getting excited, plus it does give me some one on one time with Cameron.
Last night was just a short meeting where we got to meet the teachers and go over a typical day. We signed up for snacks and me being the the obnoxious room mom that I am signed up to help at all the parties and even signed up to help co-coordinate one. Sometimes if I think about something a lot before bed I dream about it all night long. I ended up dreaming about school last night. I even had a dream I was back at IUS going from my class in Crestview over to Hillside Hall. Many a day spent over in Hillside.
I also found out this week that Cooper will not be able receive speech at Utica. I had a feeling that would be the case. The week he starts preschool he will also start speech at Jonathan Jennings. Big Week for the little guy, which I am sure will bring lots of good blog topics.
Last night was just a short meeting where we got to meet the teachers and go over a typical day. We signed up for snacks and me being the the obnoxious room mom that I am signed up to help at all the parties and even signed up to help co-coordinate one. Sometimes if I think about something a lot before bed I dream about it all night long. I ended up dreaming about school last night. I even had a dream I was back at IUS going from my class in Crestview over to Hillside Hall. Many a day spent over in Hillside.
I also found out this week that Cooper will not be able receive speech at Utica. I had a feeling that would be the case. The week he starts preschool he will also start speech at Jonathan Jennings. Big Week for the little guy, which I am sure will bring lots of good blog topics.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Teen Crushes
Time for another blog off. Today's topic is teen crushes... or adult crushes if you must. I was honestly drawing a blank of some of these until I started reading others blogs. Here goes..
My first and most important crush was Joey Joe McIntyre. Thought I was going to marry that kid. Yes, my room was covered in NKOTB posters. I shared a room with my sisters so I'm pretty sure there were more Jordan and Donnie posters but they may have left me a space or two. My mom would take us to all their Louisville concerts and I dressed up in full New Kids gear. If I ever run across a picture I will upload it. Crazy stuff.
My next crush was Travis Ford from the UK basketball team in the 90's. I am ashamed to admit we were UK fans in the day, my dad still is, luckily I grew up and know better. I had Travis's book and everything. He was an awesome basketball player for only being 5'9. At one time he held the record at UK for most consecutive free throw made. It was in the 80's or something. Don't foul him people!!!
Do you remember a little movie called Pearl Harbor? I had a major crush on one of the actor's and it's not Ben Affleck. Josh Hartnett!! He is a cutie, crazy hair and all. Orlando Bloom is another. And I can say I did stalk him. Do you remember when they filmed the movie Elizabethtown in Louisville? I was working downtown and a friend and me would stalk the locations. We caught him walking out of the Brown Hotel one afternoon. There were screaming girls, he had just enough time to smile and wave before getting into the limo. Oh and then there is Edward Cullen. Notice I said Edward and not Robert Pattinson. Edward is much hotter.
Last but not least---- PEYTON MANNING!!!!! Stay away Tracey.... he is mine!!!! He's really not all that cute, but what he lacks in looks he totally makes up for on the field. Get well soon Peyton, we need you out there.
My first and most important crush was Joey Joe McIntyre. Thought I was going to marry that kid. Yes, my room was covered in NKOTB posters. I shared a room with my sisters so I'm pretty sure there were more Jordan and Donnie posters but they may have left me a space or two. My mom would take us to all their Louisville concerts and I dressed up in full New Kids gear. If I ever run across a picture I will upload it. Crazy stuff.
My next crush was Travis Ford from the UK basketball team in the 90's. I am ashamed to admit we were UK fans in the day, my dad still is, luckily I grew up and know better. I had Travis's book and everything. He was an awesome basketball player for only being 5'9. At one time he held the record at UK for most consecutive free throw made. It was in the 80's or something. Don't foul him people!!!
Do you remember a little movie called Pearl Harbor? I had a major crush on one of the actor's and it's not Ben Affleck. Josh Hartnett!! He is a cutie, crazy hair and all. Orlando Bloom is another. And I can say I did stalk him. Do you remember when they filmed the movie Elizabethtown in Louisville? I was working downtown and a friend and me would stalk the locations. We caught him walking out of the Brown Hotel one afternoon. There were screaming girls, he had just enough time to smile and wave before getting into the limo. Oh and then there is Edward Cullen. Notice I said Edward and not Robert Pattinson. Edward is much hotter.
Last but not least---- PEYTON MANNING!!!!! Stay away Tracey.... he is mine!!!! He's really not all that cute, but what he lacks in looks he totally makes up for on the field. Get well soon Peyton, we need you out there.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I Need a Raise
I so need a raise. Today was just one of those days. Our builders do a 30 day and 11 months walk through where they come in and fix things we might have not noticed in our final inspection. Today they came in and fixed a few things starting at 8:30. In addition to that, they brought in a few people to put in a radon mitigation system. They worked on that thing for 3 hours. Drilling holes in the basement up through the garage. It was chaos! They broke our baby gate, kept going to the restroom and staying in there for 10 minutes, running up and down the stairs, slamming doors. Steve came home for lunch and noticed I had out a 2-liter of Big Red. Big Red isn't an everyday thing around here. You go 50 miles out of Louisville and people think you are talking about the gum, you know that stuff can't be good for you. I told him I was saving it, you know for a day when I had random guys in the house, stinking up the bathroom, breaking stuff and wearing Borat t-shirts. Yes, I was saving it.
In addition to this madness Cooper didn't nap again. I had no shame on putting on Word World and telling him that he cannot talk until it goes off. In the meantime I "rest my eyes" on the couch. I came to a horrible realization today. I may not get another nap for 17 years. Yes... I need a raise!!!
In addition to this madness Cooper didn't nap again. I had no shame on putting on Word World and telling him that he cannot talk until it goes off. In the meantime I "rest my eyes" on the couch. I came to a horrible realization today. I may not get another nap for 17 years. Yes... I need a raise!!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Why haven't I heard of this place?
A couple weeks ago Alicia and Janelle blogged about going to Silver Creek Community Park. What? There is another park in Sellersburg? Where is this place. Technically we live in Charlestown but are MUCH closer to Sellersburg. I feel as if I need to familiarize myself with all things Burg related. Turns out a guy Steve works with goes running out there and explained to him where it was. It's hidden a bit but we found it. It was two different playground areas, it has shade!!! It also has a nice running/walking trail.
Cameron loved the swings.
Cooper's first trip down the slide.
Check out how high off the ground these slides are. His first trip he slid right off the slide, landed on his arms and elbows and head first into the mulch. I could tell he was shaken up a bit, I think he was too embarrassed to cry because there were other kids there. He got right back up but wanted Steve down there the next time to catch him.
Check this out, when Cameron is crawling on grass or any unfamiliar surface, he walks around on his hands and feet. It's too funny!
Cameron loved the swings.
Check out how high off the ground these slides are. His first trip he slid right off the slide, landed on his arms and elbows and head first into the mulch. I could tell he was shaken up a bit, I think he was too embarrassed to cry because there were other kids there. He got right back up but wanted Steve down there the next time to catch him.
Check this out, when Cameron is crawling on grass or any unfamiliar surface, he walks around on his hands and feet. It's too funny!
This slide was super fast. I think the first scared him so he needed Steve at the bottom again. Steve then tried to go down with him. So wish I would have had a video camera. There is a bar at the top of the slide, well Steve was too big to under so he tried to over. He had on flip flops and totally almost wiped out.
Needing daddy's help again.
Needing daddy's help again.
Steve got the boys a snack tonight, I looked down and saw this. When did my boy get so big that gets his own bowl of snack at night? Please excuse photo bomber Cooper and the bottle of Sprite that is actually soap bubbles... don't ask it's all Steve's doing.
After a week of no naps the heavens were shining down on this weekend and Cooper took great naps on Saturday and Sunday. Weekends are much easier, we are busier and there are two of us to keep the kids occupied 110% of the time all day long. I was determined that he was going to take naps this week. I broke out the foam stickers and play dough on Monday. I kept him as busy as I could.
Guess what, no nap!! Ugggg!!! I had to get creative today. We danced and listening to music, went on a wagon ride, did some piggy back rides. At one point he was just running around the basement... whatev.... as long as he was wore out by 2:00. Guess what... he napped, for almost two hours. Sweet!!
Big Boy
I have been waiting for all the back to school sales to end so that Target would have a baby sale. This week was it!!!! My mom was over there yesterday and picked up two new car seats for us. I was looking for the same one we have for Cooper and it was $50 off, Score! Cooper is only 30 lbs so he isn't quite big enough for a booster, therefore the need for two new ones. Of course once I see this in my garage I was itching to get one installed.
Since we don't drive Steve's car often as a family, he installed it in his car and we went for a test drive around the neighborhood. I think he was a little confused at first.
He looks so small, much smaller than Cooper did. Maybe it's because it was winter time when we changed Cooper and he was all bundled up and Cameron is in shorts and a t-shirt. 3 more weeks and it goes in my car. I can't believe I almost have a one year old.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
This may be the biggest hodge podge of all posts. The day I have been dreading for 3 years and 9 months is starting to rear its ugly head; Cooper is beginning to give up his naps. He has had the occasional day or two when we have had things planned but if we are at home he always takes one. I don't even know if he took one at all this week. Bless his heart he has tried, today he stayed in his room for almost an hour only coming out once. I am going to keep trying. I think when preschool speech starts back up he will be tired enough to take one. Yet, if we have speech at 3:00 again there is no way I can get him to take one before. He threw the biggest fit of all fits at Chick-fil-A this week. I have no idea where it came from, maybe lack of nap and that age of course, but it was TERRIBLE!!!! I have never seen such, not out of my kid, no ones kid. I know I will seen on again someday, I just hope it's not as bad.
Speaking of speech, I talked to his speech therapist this week and since we moved we can no longer go to Utica for speech. I feel terrible that he has to adjust to a new therapist on top of adjusting to preschool. I know he will do great, it just stinks. And.... speaking of preschool, we have orientation next week. I'll do a post next week when I find out all the details.
I know i just posted this but I can't believe Cameron will be one in less than a month. It slipped my mind that his party is in three weeks so the boys and I went out to get his invitations today. I was having a hard time thinking of a theme but I have come up with a good idea. You guys will have to wait. Today was also the third day in a row he used a sippy all day but right before bed. That is only because I don't want to give up that time.
I have decided to start back up with Jazzercise, sadly it will be in Sellersburg and not Jeffersonville. I cancelled my membership a while back. The evening times didn't work out well, I wouldn't be getting home until after 6:30. Cameron screamed the entire time I would take him back to the baby sitting room. The babysitter would even comment to the other moms about it. The Sellersburg center is less than 5 minutes from my house and the afternoon times work out great and I can still be home for dinner and such.
That's about it for us. Sorry no pictures, I always like blog posts with pictures better.
Speaking of speech, I talked to his speech therapist this week and since we moved we can no longer go to Utica for speech. I feel terrible that he has to adjust to a new therapist on top of adjusting to preschool. I know he will do great, it just stinks. And.... speaking of preschool, we have orientation next week. I'll do a post next week when I find out all the details.
I know i just posted this but I can't believe Cameron will be one in less than a month. It slipped my mind that his party is in three weeks so the boys and I went out to get his invitations today. I was having a hard time thinking of a theme but I have come up with a good idea. You guys will have to wait. Today was also the third day in a row he used a sippy all day but right before bed. That is only because I don't want to give up that time.
I have decided to start back up with Jazzercise, sadly it will be in Sellersburg and not Jeffersonville. I cancelled my membership a while back. The evening times didn't work out well, I wouldn't be getting home until after 6:30. Cameron screamed the entire time I would take him back to the baby sitting room. The babysitter would even comment to the other moms about it. The Sellersburg center is less than 5 minutes from my house and the afternoon times work out great and I can still be home for dinner and such.
That's about it for us. Sorry no pictures, I always like blog posts with pictures better.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Getting Ready
I took Cooper's car seat out of my car today to give it a good cleaning. I put Cameron in it to see how he would like it. I can not believe he is big enough for this yet. He looks so small, I feel like Cooper was bigger when we moved him forward facing. They are almost exactly the same size so I know he wasn't any bigger. Can he really be almost a year? Am I really in the midst of planning a first birthday party? Where did this year go?
I can't get enough
I can't get enough of these two boys!
I got their pictures taken at JC Penny a few weeks ago. Aren't they just adorable?
These two just amaze me each and every day. Of course they drive me crazy every day too, but they are still awesome. I love watching them wrestle on the ground, Cameron can hold his own against his big brother. There are so many moments I don't want to forget, I want to bundle them up forever. Cameron wants everything Cooper has. He can be a little mooch at times.
Cooper is really good at sharing and breaking into small pieces for him too. Yes, they do have on matching outfits. Tonight Cooper was eating goldfish and of course Cameron crawls over to him to get some. What Cooper didn't realize is that I bought baby goldfish so Cameron could have a whole piece. Cooper still broke it up for him, so sweet! Cooper also put me in time out tonight. Cameron had crawled behind a chair and got his head stuck between the chair and wall. I couldn't help but laugh. Cooper told me I had to go to time out because I was laughing at my little brother while he was crying.
Some days I feel like I am going to lose my mind. However, at the end of the day I look at my two precious boys and realize this is the best life possible. Is it possible to freeze time?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Fun Saturday
We had an awesome Saturday. We started off by enjoying our morning with windows open. I am longing for fall. I was looking outside today envisioning where the mums can go.
I learned at breakfast that Cameron knows where is tongue is.
We had fun playing downstairs this morning. Cooper was tackling us and laughing. Cameron acted as if he wanted to join but decided it safer with toys. After Cam's morning nap we headed to Speed Park. The weather was just perfect.

Afterwards we headed to McDonald's for lunch. It's the only place my whole family can eat for under $10.
After dinner this evening the Reid's came over for Smores. Of course it hasn't rained all summer and the one night we planned on being outside it does rain. And of course after we make the Smores in the microwave, the sun comes out. Oh well, I'm sure the kids didn't mind.
I learned at breakfast that Cameron knows where is tongue is.
After dinner this evening the Reid's came over for Smores. Of course it hasn't rained all summer and the one night we planned on being outside it does rain. And of course after we make the Smores in the microwave, the sun comes out. Oh well, I'm sure the kids didn't mind.
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