Thursday, November 17, 2011


The pretend play was getting a little deep last night, Steve and Cooper were pretending to be in Heaven. Steve was Peter and showing Cooper around. It was pretty adorable, I wish I would have had it on video. All this came about because Cooper was asking me questions about Heaven earlier in the day. He was asking if when he goes to see God in his house if he can back home. I was trying to explain that once he goes to Heaven he gets to stay there forever. He almost started crying because he wanted to come back home. I tried to explain that he was going to much older and that mommy and daddy would be in Heaven too waiting for him. He started crying again because he wasn't going to have anywhere to live. Then I had to explain that mommy and daddy weren't going to Heaven until he was much older and daddy himself. Boy... he is only 4 I am not ready for these questions yet.


Susie said...

I know what you mean!! Ellie is always asking me questions about Heaven too!! I am glad that she knows to even ask about it.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

YES! The questions are sooo hard!

ginmommy said...

Those questions are tough!

Jaime Mac said...

UHM, this was a 'give me cold chills' post! I don't blame you for not being ready! Those questions need to come much later!