If all this isn't enough, he was going through a drawer of his and found the medal he received at the end of tee ball season. It's in the picture too. He wants to wear this all time time too now. We did draw the line at sleeping with it. It gets worse, Cameron likes to sleep with a pacifier and holding another one while cuddling with a receiving blanket. If you are keeping count, every night before bed I have to keep track of; 2 pacifiers, a blanket, a bird, and a purple thing. I am about to lose my mind!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
He's a mess
This kid is a total mess! He has never really been into "hoarding" anything, unless you count the stuffed Mickey and Curious George at the foot of the bed and the stuffed animal he got in the hospital last year along with stuffed puppet at head of the bed, but that's a whole other story. If you look at the picture below you will notice the purple bracelet/key chain on his wrist. He calls it is his purple thing. He got it at my mom's house a while bank and hasn't taken it off since. Wears it all.the.time. I do make him take it off for school since he plays with it so much, which is why I also took off the key ring part. One day we actually lost if for good, or so we thought. I searched high and low, it was no where to be found. He took in stride because if you will also notice he happens to have a plastic bird in his hand.
The same day we lost the purple thing he was celebrating his birthday at school and he got to pick out a toy, he chose this bird from Rio. I believe it came in a McDonald's happy meal. Now this thing goes everywhere, he even sleeps with it. Carries all around the house. A few days after he lost the purple thing I got a call from his speech therapist. Turns out he was playing with it a little too much and she had to take it from him. She even offered to bring to our house. I told her no we would just pick it up at our next session. She said it was never a problem until that day. Needless to say the purple thing now comes off for school and speech.
If all this isn't enough, he was going through a drawer of his and found the medal he received at the end of tee ball season. It's in the picture too. He wants to wear this all time time too now. We did draw the line at sleeping with it. It gets worse, Cameron likes to sleep with a pacifier and holding another one while cuddling with a receiving blanket. If you are keeping count, every night before bed I have to keep track of; 2 pacifiers, a blanket, a bird, and a purple thing. I am about to lose my mind!!!
If all this isn't enough, he was going through a drawer of his and found the medal he received at the end of tee ball season. It's in the picture too. He wants to wear this all time time too now. We did draw the line at sleeping with it. It gets worse, Cameron likes to sleep with a pacifier and holding another one while cuddling with a receiving blanket. If you are keeping count, every night before bed I have to keep track of; 2 pacifiers, a blanket, a bird, and a purple thing. I am about to lose my mind!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sneak Peek
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Finishing up the weekend
Today I had last minute lunch plans with Tracey and Gretchen. I so happy to be able to go. I asked my in laws last minute and they didn't have plans. It was a double bonus because the boys had a great time playing with their grandparents.
I had mentioned taking the boys to look at Christmas lights so Tracey texted me later and asked if I was up some company. She brought Levi and Maggie over, we had some pizza and headed out. The bigger kids were lessed than thrilled, they would rather have played. I don't think Cameron was too thrilled to be in a pink car seat.
Maggie was cute as always.
Since the boys weren't into it we quited them down by McDonald's milk shakes. We didn't see many lights but we got out of the house. Later in the evening I was giving Cameron a bath, I walked back into the living room to fin that Cooper had taken the cushions off the couch and was jumping from cushion to cushion. Yup, that's what happens when daddy's gone.
I had mentioned taking the boys to look at Christmas lights so Tracey texted me later and asked if I was up some company. She brought Levi and Maggie over, we had some pizza and headed out. The bigger kids were lessed than thrilled, they would rather have played. I don't think Cameron was too thrilled to be in a pink car seat.
Black Friday and Small Business Saturday
I guess I can't really call it Black Friday when all the shopping was done on Thursday, but we'll still go with it. Steve and Scott decided to brave out Toys R Us Thursday night. They got in line around 7:15, the doors opened at 9:00 and they were in an out in under an hour. Steve was home by 10:30 and that was after doing a drive by past all the other craziness. At 10:15 the exit off 65 was backed up trying to get into Walmart. They were able to get everything off our list and saved about $140. How's that for Christmas shopping? The boys are almost done.
We can't support Black Friday without supporting Small Business Saturday. Steve went with his brother to the IU game today but had time this morning to stop by Schimpf's for some candy. I love that place, we don't go there of often enough.

Light up Charlestown
We started a new tradition by going to Light up Charlestown this year. We have went to see the lights several times the past couple of years but this was the first time we went to see them light up the night after Thanksgiving. The cutest thing happened when we drove past Cooper's school. He said "Look daddy, there's my school. One day I want you to go to school with me and I can introduce you to all my friends".
We had about 40 minutes to spare once we got to the park, luckily we were able to find some swings. Both boys were swinging and giggling and there was some Christmas music in the background. I think I had a moment. I felt so blessed. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Yes, we are the parents who don't take time to wipe off our children's mouth after dinner.

About five minutes before the lights came on we made our way back up the hill towards the highway so we could look down into the park. It was a great spot, we got a good view of the whole park and we were close to highway to make a quick exit across the street to see the square all lit up. This isn't the best picture and I didn't get any on the square but I am sure we will be back many times before Christmas.
We had about 40 minutes to spare once we got to the park, luckily we were able to find some swings. Both boys were swinging and giggling and there was some Christmas music in the background. I think I had a moment. I felt so blessed. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
About five minutes before the lights came on we made our way back up the hill towards the highway so we could look down into the park. It was a great spot, we got a good view of the whole park and we were close to highway to make a quick exit across the street to see the square all lit up. This isn't the best picture and I didn't get any on the square but I am sure we will be back many times before Christmas.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
We didn't have any plans today until dinner time so we were able to spend a much needed relaxing day at home. I am so incredibly thankful for my family. I take what I have for granted a lot, especially being a stay at home mom and spending so much time with my children. I just want to take a moment to be thankful for this opportunity. So many moms would give anything to be in my situation. I pray that if this is a desire of yours that God will make that happen.
We started off our morning with chocolate chip pancakes. What's a few extra calories going to hurt on a day like this?
Don't let his enthusiasm fool ya, he ate almost 4 pancakes.

This little turkey gobbled some up too.

We were bad and made a trip out this morning to Big Lots. I really did feel terrible because I can remember working retail and dreading working around the holidays, everyone in there was super nice and friendly. At least they were making the most of it.
We started off our morning with chocolate chip pancakes. What's a few extra calories going to hurt on a day like this?
This little turkey gobbled some up too.
We were bad and made a trip out this morning to Big Lots. I really did feel terrible because I can remember working retail and dreading working around the holidays, everyone in there was super nice and friendly. At least they were making the most of it.
When Cameron was taking a morning nap, Cooper and I played with Play-Doh. I got a little creative.

The whole purpose for Big Lots was to get things to do this to our front door. Our door sits back and is enclosed in stone so we wanted to something to stick out. It looked good in the daylight. I was going to take a picture this evening when we got home but it had fallen down.
I have no idea what got into me today, maybe it was the day of nothingness going on, but we got to my in-law's for dinner and I realized I had totally forgotten to make the corn casserole. We didn't really need it so it wasn't that big of a deal. I just can't believe it slipped my mind.
The whole purpose for Big Lots was to get things to do this to our front door. Our door sits back and is enclosed in stone so we wanted to something to stick out. It looked good in the daylight. I was going to take a picture this evening when we got home but it had fallen down.
I have no idea what got into me today, maybe it was the day of nothingness going on, but we got to my in-law's for dinner and I realized I had totally forgotten to make the corn casserole. We didn't really need it so it wasn't that big of a deal. I just can't believe it slipped my mind.
Cameron was all over their brick fireplace, he wore me out tonight.

We rarely get any pictures together so I got ourselves a self-portrait.

These two are too much. This is what Cameron does anytime you point the camera at him and Cooper is of course doing what Cameron is doing.

Our yummy spread, along with some grabby hands. We did have some green beans in there, gotta have a little green, but there was no room at the table. I wish I had a picture of Cameron after mashed potatoes, a face only a mother could love.

Cooper was playing with Steve's phone and Mr. Curious wanted to know what was going on.

That quickly turned into a game of I'm gonna pester the snot fire out of my big brother.
We rarely get any pictures together so I got ourselves a self-portrait.
These two are too much. This is what Cameron does anytime you point the camera at him and Cooper is of course doing what Cameron is doing.
Our yummy spread, along with some grabby hands. We did have some green beans in there, gotta have a little green, but there was no room at the table. I wish I had a picture of Cameron after mashed potatoes, a face only a mother could love.
Cooper was playing with Steve's phone and Mr. Curious wanted to know what was going on.
That quickly turned into a game of I'm gonna pester the snot fire out of my big brother.
I brought the boys home this evening and put them to bed while Steve headed to Toys R Us to brave some Black Friday shopping. It is 10:11 pm and he is out of the store and on his way home with everything on our list. Way to go Steve!!!
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Breaking Dawn!!!
Last night was 16 months in the making but it finally happened, we got to see Breaking Dawn part 1. I know some of you aren't crazy Twihards like myself and the rest of the girls so you might think we are bit crazy, just let me indulge you for a while. As you may remember it was just Jaime and I last summer when Eclipse came out. I was 7 months pregnant and remember thinking my unborn child would be 14 months old before the next one came out. That is a long time folks! Since then our group has grown. Tracey and Gretchen joined in on the fun shortly after Eclipse came out and Karen and her friend Jen joined us as last minute guests. They had planned on going opening night but that fell through, we were delighted to have extra company.
I was so stinking excited Wednesday morning. Justin Beiber was on The Today Show and I almost became a fan, just to have something to be giddy over.
We started our night off with dinner at Puerta Vallarata. I made that executive decision a while back, I usually let others make that call but if I was having a night out on the town than by golly Mexican food was going to be included.
I was so stinking excited Wednesday morning. Justin Beiber was on The Today Show and I almost became a fan, just to have something to be giddy over.
We started our night off with dinner at Puerta Vallarata. I made that executive decision a while back, I usually let others make that call but if I was having a night out on the town than by golly Mexican food was going to be included.
We all had our cameras out and flashing away, Karen and Jen didn't, they probably thought we were nuts. Tracey had her fancy camera, I'm almost positive she had on of those long paparazzi lenses in her purse. She had a server take a group shot for us.
Once we got in the theatre there were more flashes. Told you I was giddy! I don't get to see Karen often but we had lunch two weeks ago, dinner and movie this week, and she is coming with me to a women's brunch at my church next week. I love it!!! I miss my neighbor!

Once again Tracey bribed a worked to take our picture. I'm sure they are used to it by now. Sadly, Jen was missing.

I also miss this girl sitting next to me. We planned this night around Gretchen's visit back to the promised land.

We had about 20 minutes to kill before the movie so of course we were all on our phones. I thought this one was neat how it lit up Tracey's face.

I asked these girls what would they do if Edward walked in right now, this was the reaction I got.

Once the movie began I put up the camera. I know, big shocker! These movies just keep getting better and better. About a year ago I had read somewhere how they would most likely end this movie, since the last book is broken into two movies. It was spot on. I hated it because you knew it was coming but you didn't want the movie to end. I hope they begin the next movie by replaying the last 5 minutes of this one. So so good!!!
Once again Tracey bribed a worked to take our picture. I'm sure they are used to it by now. Sadly, Jen was missing.
I also miss this girl sitting next to me. We planned this night around Gretchen's visit back to the promised land.
We had about 20 minutes to kill before the movie so of course we were all on our phones. I thought this one was neat how it lit up Tracey's face.
I asked these girls what would they do if Edward walked in right now, this was the reaction I got.
Once the movie began I put up the camera. I know, big shocker! These movies just keep getting better and better. About a year ago I had read somewhere how they would most likely end this movie, since the last book is broken into two movies. It was spot on. I hated it because you knew it was coming but you didn't want the movie to end. I hope they begin the next movie by replaying the last 5 minutes of this one. So so good!!!
Here's to November 2012!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
4 Year Well Visit and Toys R Us
We had Cooper's four year well visit this morning. Cameron has taken into sleeping in till 8:00 here lately, which is awesome! However, it makes it hard to get out there for 9:00 o'clock appointments when I still have to change and feed him. Especially on morning where Cooper was WIRED!!! More on that later. He was being super silly in the waiting room. We didn't spend much time in there because we were in and out in under an hour. I have spent less time in there the past two visits than I did my one previous before that.
He also wanted one of Cameron. The above picture of Cooper is his Cameron expression.
So we were in and out quick, hopefully it's a trend if we continue with this new doctor. Beth, if you are reading I have been requesting Dr. Morgan. He was a ham for her today. They had be undress him to his underwear and he had on boxers this morning, oh my... super cute! His stats were 38.5 inches for his height which puts him at 25% and 31.25 lbs which is 10%. He has grown 3 and 3/4 inches but has only gained 2.5 lbs. His BMI is good for his height/weight combo so she isn't concerned. He is on target to be about 5'9, last year he was on target for 5'5! It's getting harder to dress him since 4t clothes are so big, especially pants, but 3t are too short. Our only concern was he appears to at times have a lazy eye. Her tests didn't show anything out of the ordinary but she suggested if we were concerned than they could set us up an appointment with a pediatric opthamologist. I'll probably call and see if I can set that up during his Christmas break or after the holidays.
He also had to get his finger prick for a CBC. I had warned him about this so he was asking while we were there. He was so brave and tried his hardest not to cry. He didn't shed a tear until I tried to put his jacket on him and he thought it would make his band aid fall off. 
After the appointment we got to make a trip to Toys R Us. He sold donut certificates for school a few weeks ago. The top three sellers got a gift card to Toys R Us. I had turned in orders 2 weeks ago and then got the certificates last week but nothing was ever mentioned on who sold the most. I just assumed he didn't win. Yesterday I was going through his folder after school and he had a gift card. He had Uncle Scott all to thank for this. He busted into our room this morning saying, "hey I got a good idea, why don't we skip the doctor's appointment and just go to Toys R Us". We walked all through the store and he finally chose a Cars fishing game.

After the appointment we got to make a trip to Toys R Us. He sold donut certificates for school a few weeks ago. The top three sellers got a gift card to Toys R Us. I had turned in orders 2 weeks ago and then got the certificates last week but nothing was ever mentioned on who sold the most. I just assumed he didn't win. Yesterday I was going through his folder after school and he had a gift card. He had Uncle Scott all to thank for this. He busted into our room this morning saying, "hey I got a good idea, why don't we skip the doctor's appointment and just go to Toys R Us". We walked all through the store and he finally chose a Cars fishing game.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Oh Christmas Tree!
It took two night but our tree is up and shining! I like to do it the weekend before Thanksgiving and with Cooper's party and then Steve had to work on Sunday I didn't think it would happen, but it did! Good thing too, Steve may be doing black Friday then he is going to the IU game Saturday so may have had to wait till December! Let me hear the collective gasps now!
Do you know much Steve loved not having to get up in the attic for our Christmas decorations? Makes it soooo much easier. First up was clearing spot, these window are what originally drew me to this house.
Cooper got to the do the honors of putting on the first ornament. I wish I would have had more pictures of us stringing the lights. We have two strands of 200/each. Do you know how long a strand of 200 lights is? Steve was stringing, I was holding and making sure it didn't get tangled, and Cooper was doing a fine job making my job harder.
Do you know much Steve loved not having to get up in the attic for our Christmas decorations? Makes it soooo much easier. First up was clearing spot, these window are what originally drew me to this house.
After reading Jaime's blog I decided to download a new app to my phone. It allows me to blog. Now I can't do long posts but I can do short and sweet ones.
Like how much I love when Cameron gets tired and walks into his room to get his blanket and pacifier. Such a sweet baby boy!
Like how much I love when Cameron gets tired and walks into his room to get his blanket and pacifier. Such a sweet baby boy!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Birthday Celebration Part 3- The Party!!!
Finally... the party! I decided to go low key and just have family over. It was the usual; us, Steve's parents, Uncle Scott, Aunt Marilyn, and cousins Tina, Ricky, and even Randy made it in from Texas. He is home for Thanksgiving next week and made it in today. Keeping with the theme of the drums we had a rock star party.
We got the decorations from my cousin who had some leftovers and was giving them away. I love free stuff.

We had three types of chili going. My mom's, Steve's mom, and mine. My mom usually makes hers spicy but she cut back today. Steve's mom made some without beans for Steve and Scott. I made your more traditional chili. Although, some one said mine was the spiciest. I didn't think it was and I don't think my kids thought so either...

They ate it up!

Cooper was ready for cake after we had dinner but my mom had to work third shift and wanted to see him open his gifts, once I said open gifts he forgot all about cake.

I wasn't prepared for this but he was able to open up all his gits on his own. He didn't need me. Insert a little tear here. Marilyn and Tina bought got him some Play-Doh sets. He was ready to rip into things as soon as he say them.

This big giant present was from Ricky. It's some type of police chase race track that Steve is still trying to figure out how to put together. Thanks Ricky!

Someone got in a little cuddle time during presents.

Scott got him a Leapster Explorer.
My mom got him some games for the Leapster... funny how those things work out :)

Steve's parents got him some seek and find books, a watch, and something I like to call college tuition fund.
He was all business about this watch. He said he was going to wear it to bed so when he woke up he would know what time it was.

We had cake next and I didn't get any pictures! Boo, bad mommy! I'll tell you what, Jay C makes some yummy white cake.
They ate it up!
Cooper was ready for cake after we had dinner but my mom had to work third shift and wanted to see him open his gifts, once I said open gifts he forgot all about cake.
I wasn't prepared for this but he was able to open up all his gits on his own. He didn't need me. Insert a little tear here. Marilyn and Tina bought got him some Play-Doh sets. He was ready to rip into things as soon as he say them.
This big giant present was from Ricky. It's some type of police chase race track that Steve is still trying to figure out how to put together. Thanks Ricky!
Someone got in a little cuddle time during presents.
Scott got him a Leapster Explorer.
Steve's parents got him some seek and find books, a watch, and something I like to call college tuition fund.
We had cake next and I didn't get any pictures! Boo, bad mommy! I'll tell you what, Jay C makes some yummy white cake.
Scott took Cooper downstairs to bang on the drums some more so we could clean up. Once he got tired of that he came upstairs to play with his new Play Doh sets.

At one point I look up and Cooper is back in the living room and Steve's mom and Aunt Marilyn are both still at the table playing. I don't blame them, sometimes I wish I could play by myself too.
At one point I look up and Cooper is back in the living room and Steve's mom and Aunt Marilyn are both still at the table playing. I don't blame them, sometimes I wish I could play by myself too.
We had such a great night! Thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating with us. Our children couldn't be more blessed.
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