Friday, September 30, 2011


I know quite a few moms from Cooper's preschool, some I went to high school with and one from church and one from school. I also know one of his teacher's outside of school, she went to high school with my friend Sharon and we had a class or two together at IUS. I've been wanting to ask how is doing but didn't really know the boundaries, plus I'm sure they will send out progress reports. I noticed on Facebook that someone had asked this teacher about their kids so I decided to ask as well. Here is what she said:

"Cooper is doing great! NEVER a problem! He's making friends just fine too, which does not always come to the kids at this age because they are shy. He is shy with us but not the kids so I think that is great. He's probably one of the sweetest and gentle little boys I've ever had. He's doing wonderful! No worries at all! Truly enjoy him! And he's the only one in the class who knows the Pledge of Allegiance. Always feel free to ask."

Make a girl cry, why don't ya!


ginmommy said...

Sweetness!! He's a good boy :)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Yeah!!! Way to go Cooper!!! :)

Susie said...

Great job Cooper!!

Jill said...

That's awesome! What a sweet boy!

the lewis gang said...

makes mommy beam with pride!! good job, cooper!!