Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Today was the big day! Cooper's first day of preschool! He came busting through our door at 7:00 am all pumped up and ready. Working in health care Steve has to use PTO days for holidays, so instead of taking off Monday he took today. It was fun for both of us to be home with Cooper and take him to school together. This is how they hung out while I got ready and Cameron was sleeping in. Cooper's breakfast of choice were chocolate chip muffins and a banana. Well, the muffins were his choice and the banana was mine.

We had plenty of time to get ready this morning and even enjoyed some Special Agent Oso. Then it was time to go. That is also when obnoxious momma kicked in. A picture before walking out the door.

Some on the front steps.

A picture on the car ride there. He was belting out some songs. Keep this in mind, it plays a role later in the day.

Walking into school.

The downstairs... this is the room they do their crafts and have snacks. The orange fish is his.

His name above his coat hook.

Then finally we had a moment for one last picture before it was time for momma to leave. Thanks Amy for taking it for us. Pretty good picture if I do say so.
Steve took this picture with his phone. Cameron is looking over and thinking "what in the H-E double hockey sticks did you do with my brother".

We came home and it was so weird. Quiet! Since Cameron goes down for a nap around 10 I had about an hour of complete silence before I had to leave to get Cooper. Since Cameron was napping Steve stayed home while I went to pick him up. This when I had an epic mom fail. Remember how Cooper was belting out some songs on the way? We keep all his music on our iPod and it usually stays in my car. We took Steve's this morning and brought it with us. I remembered to get it out of his car but I left it on the counter. I realized this halfway there and I knew he would be upset, we even talked about what songs we would listen to on the way home. I prayed I could keep him occupied by asking questions. Didn't work. As soon as we got into the car he asked for his songs and I didn't have them. He lost it! It wasn't so much of a tantrum as it was crying because his feelings were seriously hurt. He was still crying when we got home. He was laying on my leg crying. I'm not sure if it was just a transition to something new or maybe low blood sugar, thankfully after lunch he felt much better. He finally got his Cheetos.

He seemed to really enjoy his first day. I didn't get much out of him. There is boy named Issac and a girl named Natalie. It was Natalie's birthday and they had cookies with pink and blue icing. That's about it. Before bed he wanted to pray for Chloe. I checked his class list and couldn't find a Chloe. I asked him if she goes to church or school and he said school. He said she wore a purple shirt and she is in the room with the colored squares where they need to find a spot. There could have been someone who decided not to come and she could be the replacement. He's usually spot on these things so I have no doubt there was a Chloe.

He doesn't go back until next week. They break up the class the first week just in case there are some criers, it's easier to have a smaller class the first week. I think it's going to be a good year. Can't believe I have a preschooler!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I love the oboxious mom!!! That's great!!! He is so big!!

Susie said...

Glad to see everything went great!!

Jaime Mac said...

I love how Cooper scrunches up his face when he smiles! So cute!
That pic of you two is great! So glad he had a good first day! (We'll just pretend the epic mom fail part didn't even happen...:) )

ginmommy said...

The look on Cameron's face in the car, crack me up! Looks like a great first day of pre-school! Now let the school madness begin!!