Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Haircut

We took Cooper to get his first haircut on Tuesday. Most people would like at him and say, haircut, what hair does he have? His hair is very blond so you can't really tell, but the back was getting way out of control. Think Joe Biden hair. So we finally decided he needed a trim, at least the back only. I already had an appointment scheduled for myself so I asked Jessica if she could fit him in before me. He did so great, he pretty much sat still the entire time, let out a few cries, but no real tears. We were very proud, so proud that daddy took him home and fed him 5 chicken nuggets, green beans, yogurt, juice, and ice cream. I can't even eat that much!!! Steve was also in charge of pictures since I was helping to make sure he didn't jump out of the chair, so we only have three.
Here he is all ready to go. This is what I call scared Cooper.
Aren't they cute? Cooper and Jessica after it was all done. It wasn't that much torture now was it?

He even got a certificate for doing such a good job. She also gave me some locks of hair for memory keeping. My little guy is getting big.


Tracey said...

Very cute! He's such a cutie pie! I'm sure Jess was thrilled to do his hair!!

ginmommy said...

Adorable :0