It's that time again for the Murphy Christmas Party. I know I have been saying a lot of things are my favorite on the blog lately, but the Murphy's party really is one thing I look forward to all year. I admire Melanie's hosting abilities. The decorations are always so beautiful and she is a fantastic cook. I just wish I had gotten a picture of our beautiful hostess. We have a couple group photos going around but I didn't get any. I did get quite a few shots of Steve & myself. This is just a few things I have to put up with. It usually takes 3-4 shots before we get a good one.
Then we do get a good one but then a creepy hand shows up.
I give up!
Melanie always has the tables set with assigned seating. She finally wised up and separated Tracey, Gretchen, & myself. All bets were off when we made it downstairs for desserts and games
I don't blame her for the separation, who would put these two girls together?

I don't even know where to begin with the rest of the photos. Eric was re-enacting stories and Tracey & Steve, I just don't know.
A fun night! A fun night indeed!
Steve cracks me up. The second pic is hilarious! I'm glad you enjoyed the party! Fun night!
I had a blast!
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