Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashback Friday

Each season of life brings about new and exciting adventures to be had.  However, right now I am longing for the season of my babies.
Play dates in the park, without the distraction of school/preschool schedules.
 Play dates at the house, any time, any day.

 No schedules, just pure fun.
 Babies in strollers
 Friends who were only a short drive away.
Yes, I miss those days. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I just couldn't keep it up

I haven't done hair post in a while so I thought I would catch you up to speed, and I need to keep up with Jaime Mac.  This first one is from January.
 4 months later and still going at it.

Then the summer hit and I wore my hair in a ponytail every single day.  There really isn't anything wrong with that, but it gets old.  Something happened and my hair was no longer healthy.  So, off it went.
I wore my hair down today, no pony tail, no pinning back.  At first it seemed a little short but after fixing it this morning I think I like it.  Plus it's only hair, it can always grow.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rounding out the weekend

Cooper had another soccer game Saturday morning.  We are halfway through the season now, it's going quick.  He is still have a ton of playing, which I am so thankful for.  We have such a small window of time before sports get competitive, I just want him to have fun and enjoy it.

Between being sick and playing soccer he has tired enough to take another nap on Saturday.  He snuggled up with me in my bed and was asleep in no time.  Cameron on the other hand was having a party in his crib at nap time.  I went in there and rocked him to sleep.  It's not everyday I have one kid fall asleep next to me and the other one me. 
Saturday night I got to have a girls night to see Carrie Underwood!  My cousin Susan and her friend came down from Indy for it.  It's the same cousin that came down for New Kids last summer. 
 We had lower level seats, we were far back but straight on to the stage. 
 In case you were wondering, I did wear the boots. 
 This girl can sing!  I remember watching her initial American Idol audition and she was my favorite right away.  We should all hate her really, the hair, the voice, the legs!!!

She put on a great show.  She had 5 costume changes, I can only imagine the crew of people backstage ripping off clothes and putting new ones on in matter of just a few minutes.
After church today we headed up to Sharon's house for Allie's birthday party.  I wish I had gotten some pictures but Cameron was in a mood.  First because he was hungry, Sharon lives in Perry County (about 30 minutes from Holiday World) and they are an hour behind us.  Normally it wouldn't have mattered eating a late lunch but someone was stubborn and didn't eat breakfast.  Then he kept falling and hurting himself.  He ran into their dinning room table and got a bruise under his eye.  Then all he wanted to do was play on their swing set.  I haven't seen that many tears from him in a long time.  I know Sharon took some so I will get some from her later.  
After Cooper being sick last week and a busy weekend I am looking forward to getting back into our routine this week.  Cooper is back to 100% so I know he is looking forward to being back in school.  He even told Steve this weekend that our house was bored and he wanted to be in school.  HA!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Celebrating 8!

Steve & I got a night to ourselves tonight to celebrate 8 years!  We went to Olive Garden and did some browsing in Best Buy, Old Navy & Target.  We really lived it up. 
We exchanged gifts earlier this week on our actual anniversary.  Steve got a gift card to Best Buy and I got two new Pandora beads, the red heart bead and the one in the middle.  Cooper picked out the red hearts and the other has the #18 on it.  It's supposed to be a birthday charm but our anniversary is on the 18th. 
I wanted to get a picture of us before going out tonight, we ended up with a photo bomber.  Good thing he's cute.
 Steve's parents came over and stayed to put the kids to bed so we didn't have to rush back home after dinner.  I was slowing down around 8:00 so it probably didn't matter.  We took our time just walking around a few store.  While in Target we were checking out the Halloween stuff, turned the corner and BAM!  Christmas Lights.
They say every marriage has it's highs and lows and it scares me cause I can honestly say we haven't any lows.   Although we both tend to have high anxiety at times, we are also slow to anger.  We also make each other laugh. as you could tell by the recent video I posted.  We aren't afraid to make fun of ourselves.  And there is plenty of that going on around here.  We are finishing our night by watching Friday Night Lights.  We came early just for that.  Yup, we are pretty boring.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mid Week Happenings

Not a whole lot happening around here this week, but someone made up this blog contest so I gotta keep rolling.
It's been over 4 months but I finally got these pictures changed out.

The color just pops out now.  Looks awesome!  
Cooper still isn't feeling great.  He hasn't once complained about his ears, just his throat.  We took a sick day from school yesterday and from Bible Study today so we've just been hanging out.
Yesterday Cameron got some pudding out of the fridge and marched over to the table like he was going to open it and eat it.  It was 9:30 am!   I just went with it, it was a sick/pajama day. 

 We had a jam session yesterday in what we call our music room.  Cameron seems to love music just as much as Cooper.  They could sick and dance all day long.

 We done a lot of crafts, coloring, you name it.  We started this candy corn craft yesterday, he did about half of it and was too tired to finish the rest.  I feel so bad for him.  I think he should be okay to go back to school tomorrow, crossing my fingers.
I decided this morning we needed to get out of the house even if we weren't going to Bible Study.  As I was getting ready I got a call from Tracey, she was in my driveway with a Diet Coke.  Friends are the best!   We went to Michael's to pick up a few things for Allie's birthday this weekend and a few crafts for ourselves.  Cooper hasn't been eating much these past days, I took a chance and got him a cinnamon crunch bagel at Panera, and that did the trick.  It was about this time I got a text from Steve, his boss asked him to take a vacation day tomorrow.  He has too much vacation time built up and has a low patient caseload.  I love three day weekends.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Because I have no shame

If you don't know who Psy, the Korean superstar is, you probably should Youtube him.  He was on the Today Show and Ellen recently.  Yes, I really do have no shame.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2 Year Well Visit

We had Cameron's 2 year well visit this morning.  He was in picture perfect health.  We haven't been in there for a visit since his 18 month check-up.  So thankful for healthy babies.  He weighed in at 27lbs (37%) and a height of 33.25 inches (21%).  He is a quarter inch shorter than Cooper was at 2 yrs and 3 lbs heavier!  I knew that boy was getting hard to carry.
We talked about our speech concerns, right now we are just going to keep an eye on it.  Dr. Howell agreed that it's really not worth our time with First Steps if we can't get a speech therapist.  Even though may be behind he is progressing and is starting to have phrases so I'm not too worried.  There are times I hear other kids near his age talk circles around him and there are other who don't talk at all.  
Steve took a half day off today so he could meet us there, pick up Cooper, and take him to speech.  Well Cooper ran a fever on and off all day yesterday and complained of a sore throat today.  I was concerned about strep, but it was actually an ear infection.  He must have some drainage causing his throat to hurt.  It's his left ear and the doctor said she can't see a tube.  It must have fallen out sometime in the past three months cause it was there in June at our last ENT visit.  We go back in 3 weeks to get a re-check to make sure the antibiotic works and does it's job.  If Cooper's measurements were correct, he has grown more than 5 inches this past year! 
Today also happens to be our 8 year anniversary!  We spent the day at the doctor's office and having soup and sandwiches for dinner, ha!  We are going out on Friday so I'll do a blog post about it after that.  I loved every minute of our day though, it was good to just spend time together.   

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blame it on the devil or low blood sugar

Steve got home from church today and noticed the sink was full of half cooked noodles meant for mac n' cheese.  He asked what happened and my only explanation was the devil got to me, or maybe it was low blood sugar, but probably the devil.
I get home from church around 11, Steve gets home around 1.  Out of my week those two hours are the without a doubt the hardest.  I can't explain it.  Any other day of the week we can be out running errands, get home around lunch, I can make lunch and the boys will be great.  Maybe the devil gets into all of us cause Sunday's are crazy.  Today I decided to make sloppy joes and mac n'cheese.  Cooper was already whining about wanting something else and then he found out it was spiral mac n'cheese.  Oh boy!   More whining.   I calmly waked over the stove, picked it up, and threw it all into the sink.  I have never, and I mean never, thrown away food just for the sake of throwing it away.  We even almost always eat our leftovers, there are starving kids in this world.  I don't know what got into me, I was just tired of the whining.  I know I am blessed, my husband has a Mon-Fri day shift job and we are all home together almost every night.  It's just Sunday's are rough  They are meant to be family day but it's not for us.  I try to have a good attitude about it, and some days are great, but there are days like today. 
We laughed about it later, and for the record I did have low blood sugar at the moment.  My mood was much better after I ate.  So was Cooper's for that matter.   I'm just gonna blame it on the devil.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weekend Randomness

Cameron and I had nothing to do on Friday while Cooper was at school, that doesn't happen often.  I like to take advantage of only having one with me and run errands.  Since he goes three days this year I'm hoping to spend at least one of those at home having fun.  We walked down to our student minister's house, him and his wife just had a baby on Monday.  He is such a sweet adorable little boy.  They are in our small group so once things settle down and they come back I'm hoping to get in some baby lovin'.  We came home and had some fun with birthday toys.

I know I'm cut off but I'm also not the cute one. 
Steve's parents came over and picked up Cooper around 2:30 on Friday.  He spent the night with them cause we were hosting small group.  Cameron didn't get up from his nap until 4:30, this left me with 2 hours of relaxing on the couch.  I took a short nap and read my book.  Pure bliss.
Cooper had a soccer game this morning at 11 but it was picture day so we had to be there at 10:15.  I had to go get him first and it was also my day for snacks, I remembered the snacks but forgot the camera.  Our pictures weren't finished until 11:15.  I'm just happy picture day is over, it's never fun. 
Cooper started giving up naps last summer and sometime in the winter I finally gave up trying to make him take one.  There are days here in there I will make him try and 90% of the time he does fall asleep.  Today was one.  He went to the park with Steve's parents, went to bed later, woke up earlier, and spent 2 hours at the soccer field.  He also didn't fight me much on taking one, that's when I knew he would fall asleep.  When he does nap he does in our bed, I love watching him sleep.   He sleeps with a stuffed alligator (from Uncle Scott, of course) he had his hand wrapped around it, I watched as it fell down.  He also snuggles up to me, perfection!
Steve got home shortly after naps then my dad stopped by with McDonald's for the kids a gift card to Kohl's so I can get the some fall clothes.   Cameron has only seen my dad a couple of times and the last time being around Christmas.   I was shocked at how well he took to him, even gave him a hug and kiss before he left. 
Cooper decided tonight he wanted to wear his Halloween costume from 2010.  He put it on and asked for a banana.

 It was around this time I caught Cameron eating soap in the bathroom.  Never a dull moment.  Yesterday I found him on his knees on top of the bathroom counter. 
 This is a picture of school project Cooper is doing.  They have what they call spotlighting, each kid talks into a microphone and tells something about them.  Cooper picked out the picture.  He says his favorite color is blue, he was born in November, has a brother, is 4 years old, and his favorite food is strawberries.  Now he does like strawberries but I wouldn't say it's his favorite.  I went with it though. 
Hope you are having a good weekend, it's been beautiful!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cameron is 2!

Today was a special day, Cameron Scott turned two! 
Our  birthday boy loves donuts, can you guess what he had? 
 The best part of being a big brother is getting to share the donuts in the morning.   Cooper has been so excited about Cameron's birthday.  We went to Bible Study this morning and when I picked him up the teacher told me all he talked about was his little brother's birthday.   How sweet!  When we got home I found a card from Cameron's teachers in his backpack.  How sweet again! 
 Cooper and I graced him with our version of "Happy Birthday" this morning.
 Raise your hands if it's your birthday.
 Steve & I had no idea what to get him, they have everything.  We finally decided on a new doctor's kit since our old one is falling apart and a new ball pit since the old one busted.  We went out shopping last week and couldn't find a single ball pit.  However, Target had all their blow up kiddie pools half off.  Works for us.  It's quite a bit bigger than the our old ball pit, somehow the 300+ balls don't fill the bottom. 

 This cake was super yummy!  Steve made fun of me for it being plain, cause that's what Steve does he likes to make fun of people :)  It tasted good though.
 I didn't hear a single complaint.  I had the cutest picture but it wouldn't upload.  Scott was sitting at the card table with Cooper, Levi, and Maggie, it's like he got punished to sit with the kids.
 We we took Cooper with us to look for Cam's gift, we let Cooper pick out something small.  Cameron loves the show Peppa Pig, Cooper found some Peppa Pig toys all on his own.  He picked out a pack of characters for him.  Cameron was all over these.   As you can tell.

 Levi made Cameron his birthday card and spelled his name Camron.  The funny thing about this, when we were still in the hospital Steve called our pediatrician to set up his first appointment.  He was telling them his name and spelled it Camron. 

It didn't take long for him to realize he liked the paper just as much as the gifts.
 Steve's cousin Ricky got him a Peppa Pig video.  Wouldn't let this thing out of his hands either.

We want to thank everyone for coming out tonight, we love you and appreciate you so much!  Especially this gal, we had do a self portrait for the blog.  Eric even stopped by, he had a test and got to leave school early.  I need to add he did fantastic on the test as well.

We ended the night by playing with Uncle Scott's gift.  They were cracking up at this.  I love their smiles.
One more thing, as I was putting Cooper to bed he said he couldn't wait for Cameron to have another birthday.  I told him a secret- he gets to have his birthday before Cameron does again.  And, it's not far off.  Another reason I love this season.