Friday night Steve came home from work and wanted to go to Bass Pro Shop. We are not the outdoorsy type and have never had the need to go to Bass Pro and probably never will, but he just wanted to go and look at the fish. I must admit it was a nice free night and got us out of the house. Cooper is so curious about everything he didn't seem to mind. Saturday Steve's parents came over to watch Cooper while he ran some errands. We got his birthday present, something to wear for his birthday and Christmas pictures, a new winter hat, a couple of Christmas gifts, had lunch at Texas Roadhouse, and went to the grocery. I love marking things off my to-do list. In the evening we went to my aunt and uncle's Halloween party. They have a big party every year and it's a lot of fun for the kids. They turn their garage into a mini haunted house, it seems to be bigger every year. I had a little more fun that last year, I was pretty miserable and large. We just got back inside from playing, Cooper is down for a nap and after he gets up we are going to Pierce's birthday party. Should be a fun time. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Cooper, Daddy and the Giant Scary Man.
i love that face in the last one. "CHEESE!!!!"
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I just love the scarecrow outfit!! He's getting so big!
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