Cooper is going to be a scarecrow for Halloween this year. I went back and forth on what to dress him up as, if I just wanted to borrow a costume, then I found the scarecrow on Walmart's website. It looked too cute and with shipping I spent less than $20. Cooper's pediatrician's office had a Haunted Halls last night and it was going to be the first of our four dress up nights. We had dinner at Chick-Fil-A, stopped by Target to pick up a Halloween bag for his goodies, then headed over to the dr's office. The place was a madhouse, first you could not park in the parking lot you had to use the open field next to it. He goes to the office behind Target in Clarksville, some people were using the spaces behind Best Buy and other stores. The line was wrapped around the building, it was crazy. We decided to stop by Steve's parents first and surprise them with an early Treat or Treater and then drive back by to see if it had calmed down a little. We went back past and it was still as busy as ever. We had left the stroller at home and it was already going on 6:30 and Cooper is usually ready for bed by 7:30 so we came on home. We still had fun though, we will just plan better next time.
I also want to say a big thanks to Sharp's Dry Cleaning in Jeffersonville. The zipper to the costume broke, they had it fixed, it broke again, then they went out of their way to get some Velcro and drive it over to the lady that does thier alterations so I could get it back in time. Otherwise it would have been later this week. Great customer service!!
Here we are all ready to go.

I think Cooper likes his chicken.

Having fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house, what you don't see is him playing with his box of Animal Crackers he got for Halloween.
Seriously, that is one of the cutest costumes I've ever seen. Love it. He's a doll!
That is so cute!
well, i wish i could say i was up all night but he only gets up once. usually between 1:45 and 3:00. he is pretty easy! come on, have's so fun!! :)
I love his costume! He's so stinkin'cute...
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