We only have three more Tuesdays left of school and speech and speech is cancelled next week, so that means only two more!!!! Have I mentioned I really dislike Tuesdays? After dropping Cooper off at school I stopped by my mom's to start some laundry the Cameron and I headed to the license branch, this time they were open. As you can see I am not against using my phone to occupy my child. I made it in and out in under 30 minutes. However, did you know it cost $21 to renew your license now? Last time I went it was like $12 or something. Also, some random lady offered to watch Cameron while it was my turn. Little creepy. (I am still adjusting to the new layout and can't seem to get pictures aligned correctly.
After the license branch I headed back to my mom's to work on laundry before picking up some lunch and getting Cooper from school. My mom kept Cameron while I took Cooper to speech. I took advantage of having that half hour and did some of Bible study, You gotta do it while you can. It was 2:00 before we got home and I could get Cameron down for a nap then Cooper asked to watch Up again. Fine by me, I took a nap.
We didn't have anything going on tonight so we played some Kinect. Cooper is getting really good.
We also treated the boys to a bath in the big bathtub. It was my turn this time to get in. We really only get in because of Cameron. He's getting close to not really needing us in there, but it's fun.
3 weeks from today and it is summer break! I can't wait!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
In which I blather on about my day
In an effort to get back into the swing of things on this blog, I thought I might tell you about my day, my entire day! I had Bible Study this morning, they have childcare so I usually take the boys but this morning Steve's parents came over. I had to run a few errands, one of which was renewing my license. Since we moved this past year I can't do in it online. Wouldn't you know it, the license branch is closed on Mondays. Now I have to take a kid with me, I think I would rather cut my toe off than try to entertain my children inside the BMV.
Fast forward to Cameron's nap time and Cooper brought out some blocks for us to build some things. First he needed up to take my picture and I had to get his. I had asked him to grab my camera and he came out wearing my sunglasses.
A half hour later I produced this masterpiece. Cooper was no help at all.
When Cameron woke up I thought I would take a few post nap pics when I realized he still had on his pajamas and it was 3:30. Busy day around here for these kids.
After dinner Steve suggested we drive down by the river and play at the park. We were over halfway there when Steve started laughing about Cameron still wearing some sunglasses, I didn't even know he had them on. I turned around, extreme cuteness!!!!
Just because he is cute too.
I'm pretty sure the entire time at the park Cameron was thinking where has this been my whole life, I have the coolest parents ever! When you have one kid who is timid and needs and wants your help at a park and then the other kid is a while child but is still a little too young to do it all on his own, going to a park can be hard on just one parent. Give us about 6 months and I guarantee Cameron will be running around without any concern for me while Cooper is still at my side. I love it though, I love their distinct different personalities.
Cooper stuck with the baby slide while Cameron was all about the bigger slide.
We were a little chilly down by the river, but it didn't matter, these boys had a blast. It was nice to get out for a bit and run off some energy.
Since we were close by we stopped by Steve's parents house. His mom took home a load of laundry for us and she had it all done and folded for us. Maybe this wont be so bad after all not having a washing machine. She also had some snacks all ready to go for the kids. I love watching Cameron over at their house, especially now that he is over his separation issues. His favorite spot is their brick fireplace. Makes me a little nervous, especially if he gets going a little too fast, he kept walking over their tonight and sitting down to eat his snack. Cooper would do the same thing when he was that age.
We got home shortly before bedtime and they were exhausted. Cameron crashed on me while I was putting him to bed. Looking froward to many more nights spent outdoors this summer.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Photography by Cooper
Cooper got a Vtech digital camera for Christmas, it's been fun to play with. They have built in fun stuff to play with before you even take the picture. I can remember one day just sitting around playing with this thing for about an hour. It's fun being silly.
Broken, yard sales, and parties
Weekends need to be 3 days instead of 2, can I get an amen? We spent Friday night at home waiting on the washing machine repair man to show up. Our washer went out this past week, it's only 15 months old so I figured it something small. Um...nope! It's the motor. To fix it,it's going to cost almost as much as the machine did itself. Plus, it's going to be 7-10 business days before it's even here.
Steve had a meeting at church on Saturday so the boys and I went to Scott's to check out how our yard sale was doing. Scott advertised on Craig's List, despite the cold, we made almost $180. Between us, Scott, and their parents we did over $600. This made me feel a tad bit better about washer. Later on while Cameron was napping, we watched Up with Cooper. I missed the first 20 minutes or so cause I was trying to sleep off a headache. I need to go back and watch it, it was a super cute movie! I had a voucher that was going to expire soon for Sweet N Swirly, so we headed over there after dinner. There was no Thunder going for us.
Cooper was invited to a birthday party on Sunday. It was for Kolton and Kylie from school and it was at Outside In, he loves that place so there was no doubt we would go.
I got to spend some rare one on one time with him and Steve got to stay home and nap while Cameron was napping. It was a win-win for everyone.After the party I took Cooper to pick out some new tennis shoes. I was hoping we could make it through the summer but he keeps complaining about how tight they are. He just keeps growing and growing.
We spent the rest of the evening just relaxing at home. Steve is in a basketball league on Sunday evenings at church, he has been gone for a while and it was almost bedtime so I was reading to the boys when Cooper looks at me and asks where daddy was. I mean really? It took you that long. Silly kid!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Those little signs
I am a worrier. About everything! I lay in bad at night and worry about our kids like crazy. It's insane. I just don't know how to shut it off sometimes. Cooper is so impressionable, as are most kids, all I can do is pray that he hears us and takes it to heart. For the most part he is still very sheltered. There are certain words we do not say in front of him, butt is one example. We just use the word bottom. Not that butt is that big of a deal, we just don't say it. We have heard him correct Steve's mom on many occasions. Another one is stupid. I don't even know if he has heard that word yet. Last Friday we had small group and Steve's parents came over to watch the boys. We got home after they were in bed and the first thing out of his dad's mouth was he was corrected again on another word. He was telling Cooper a story about someone dressed up as a monster on Halloween and he used the word ugly. Cooper says, "Oh no Papaw, we don't use that word". It's those little signs that maybe we aren't doing such a bad job after all.
Catching Up
I seem to be in this big bad blog funk. It used to be absolute favorite thing to do in the evenings, now I just can't seem to get into it. I've been pricing things for a yard sale and I just started a new Bible Study on Monday mornings. There are 5 days of reading and questions to do each week, I guess blogging just hasn't been a priority lately. I hate that. It's just a good outlet.
As you all know Gretchen was in town last week. If Tracey got to see her 829 times then I got to see her 828, minus one for church. It was a really good week. Things have settled down a bit and we are back to our routines. Like when things get quiet, it usually means Cameron is up to no good. Like trying to brush his own teeth. He gets the step stool and carries it around the house looking for things to do.
Steve went up to Bloomington on Saturday for their spring football practice. I let the boys eat breakfast in the living room while watching a show. Cute beyond words people.
We managed to carry out just about every single toy we had that day, including the piggy bank. They love to dump the money out and put it back.
Tracey brought the kids over for a bit before Levi's tee ball pictures. She showed up with a McDonald's Diet Coke. If you want me to be your best friend, bring me a diet.

Later while Cameron was napping, Cooper suggested he take a nap on the couch. He never takes nap anymore and he has never just laid down and fallen asleep. Well I be darn, that kid fell asleep on the couch.
Steve's football game got rained out after the first quarter so they came back home. Cooper was still napping. Cameron woke up and he was still napping. We ended up having to wake him up.

Today was our busy day. We have four more Tuesday's left of school and speech and I couldn't' be more happy. I've already put in a request that speech be held on a school day next year, instead of 45 minutes later I'm asking for it be right after school. We had a few extra minutes this morning so I tried to get some pictures of the boys since I also seem to be in a picture taking funk as well.

Cameron is still doing well the in nursery at church. He is even doing well during my Bible Study. He stayed at my mom's today while I took Cooper to speech. He's only done this one other time and cried the whole time. He didn't cry at all today. I think we are making strides!
After this weekend our yard sale will be over so hopefully I can have more time to blog again. I'm almost done pricing things. It's amazing how much stuff we have. We donated things after we moved for a benefit yard sale last year and had a yard sale of our own. Where does this stuff come from?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A visit with wild animals
Yesterday we loaded up and headed over for our first trip of the season to the zoo. Gretchen suggested it a few weeks back. When the plan was first put into motion it was darn near 90 degrees outside. I pictured cute shorts a top and flip flops, it was darn near 30 yesterday morning. At least we weren't blazing hot. I met the girls, Tracey and Gretchen, around 10:30 and Brittany met up with us shortly after. She drove all the way up here to spend the day. How awesome! 4 girls and 8 kiddos makes for one crazy lunch.

Hope was hiding behind the thermos container, she was sweet enough to give me a good close up.
We started the zoo towards the right, we all almost always go left. We started right because it was cold and I suggested it stay indoors for a bit. Of course that meant it was after lunch before the kids could see any of the fun animals, well for kids anyway. Wouldn't you know it the tiger was no where to be found. Have no fear, there was a hill close by for running and rolling.
There was also a tree perfect for making the kids pose. We did this several times during the day.
This makes me smile. I almost got a sitter for Cameron. He is not a fan of the being in the stroller for any length of time. He walked at least half the zoo. He did great! I'm glad I brought him, it's not often the four of us will be able to get all our kids together. I also need to let go and be less up tight. I'm working on it.
Whenever Cameron walked, I brought up the back of our pack. Gretchen was kind enough to help push my stroller. We had three strollers and a wagon. They may have been empty longer than full.
I do love it that Cameron was all about making his way up to the fence to see the animals. I'm pretty sure he would take on any big kid that got in his way.
At one point we were stopped, Cameron sat down and laid his head on the ground. It was almost 2:00, I don't blame him, I was tired too.
I think this is a great picture of all 8 kids. Us 4 girls were hollering trying to get the kids to look and smile. I think everyone at the zoo could hear us.
Tracey invited us all back to her house hang out afterwards. I almost went home to put Cameron down for a nap, I changed my mind at the last minute. As much as I would have loved to have a house of two sleeping children...

you can't really put a price on hanging out with friends. So, I let it go, and Cameron had a short nap. The world was still turning, last I checked.

It was really a fantastic day, with fantastic friends.
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