Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The sound game gone bad

Cooper likes to play the sound game. You know the game where you make noises with everyday items and the other person has to guess what the sound is. Usually we make the noise and Cooper guesses. He is quite good at it. Today he wanted to make the sounds. The funny thing when he makes the sounds is that he has to ask us to get it for him, then he tells us not to cheat. Okay, I won't look after I give you your battery powered Thomas train. HA! This morning he asked for the macaronni. This is what happened after one good shake.
It was a mess! However, the look on his face when the box popped open and macaronni noodles went flying was priceless. I not only took a picture for the blog I also grabbed my phone and sent a picture to Steve. Some messes are so worth it.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

yes, they are. some messes are worth the laugh! :)

ginmommy said...

Look at you being all fun with your son!! It was totally worth it :)

Jaime Mac said...

HAHA! What a mess! At least they were plain & had no sauce or anything on them! ;)
After the spill I would play the 'lets see who can pick up the most macaroni game!'