Sunday, July 5, 2015

Summer Recap

For the past couple weeks I've had every intention of updating the blog and just never got around to it.  So here goes, over three weeks of updates.

Early in the summer I did the color run with some girls from JJ.  So much fun!  

We had a play date at Luke and Layla's and Layala & I fought over Cameoron... I lost!  

Both boys did a week of VBS at First Baptist Church in Charlestown.  It was the first time Cameron got to do VBS and he loved it!  The final Friday night was performance night.

Founder's Day was last week and Cameron got to ride the Charlestown Express train in the parade.

Last Sunday we went hiking at Charlestown State Park,  It started out glorious.....

then we went off the trail...

The boys went to the middle of the creek and as I was trying to walk down to take their picture... I fell and slid on by butt and my phone fell into the creek.  Somehow it still works. My heart may have stopped beating for a second or two.

Brittany came into town for one day and Gretchen was already in town so we got together for dinner and let the kids swim.  

My mom was off one day last week so we took all the boys out for lunch, ice cream, and bowling.

A couple weeks ago my community group all got together to swim.  It was at our leader Jennifer's house.  Her son Sam is a helper in Cameron's class at church, my kids love him!!! Especially Cameron.  I love it that they have a Godly teenager to look up to.  He's such a good kid.  

The first week or two of summer we spent a lot of time at the pool.  We also spent a lot of time under the clubhouse shelter cause random storms would pop up.  

A couple weeks ago we hit the trifecta of Chick-fil-A, Krispy Kreme, and Target,

Just like that summer is half over.


Susie said...

Sounds like a fun Summer so far!

Jaime Mac said...

Every time I hear the 'phone dropping in the creek' story I get a hive...or two! :) Glad it's ok! SHEW!