Saturday, November 30, 2013

Supporting our Local Communities

We took full advantage of Small Business Saturday and supported our local communities.  First things first, Cameron fell asleep in the car at 10:30 am.  Scott kept both him and Cooper on Friday night.  Scott said they woke up at 6:15.  And yes, those are his Harry Potter glasses.  Funny little guy.
 Our first stop of the day was Schimpff's.  That place was an out of control mad house.  I got the boys some candy and picked up some things for his teacher and her para-professional and the office staff. 

Steve was in Bloomington for the IU game, not really a small business but at least the money stays in Indiana.  With him gone we decided to hang out at my mom's and have lunch at small diner in town. 
I am guilty of going to Target. I went out on Friday for a couple hours and got the boys some Ninja Turtle gear for buy one get one half off.  I wanted to get them a shell but they were sold out.  I checked their website and New Albany had them in stock today.  My mom kept the boys for me so I couldn't pass it up.  I am almost done shopping for them, which makes me very happy.
We continued with our support of the local communities by going to the Charlestown Activities Park and riding the new Christmas Train.
The train had just left when we arrived which meant we had another 30 minutes before it came back.  That ended up being perfect because they had indoor room decorated and they also had The Polar Express playing. 
Darth Vader, Yoda, and R2-D2.
Polar Express and hot chocolate.
Here comes the train.
I am in awe of my small town.  So many fun things to do, especially during the holidays.  The train takes you from the activities park to the square, around the square and back again.  So fun!  We picked a good night to go because it wasn't too cold.  Just before the train took off, my aunt Judy and nephew Layne showed up.  This of course excited one little boy. 
 With a late bed time and early wake-up, this little guy was a trooper.  The train ride was doing him in, he probably wouldn't have lasted much longer.
Speaking of much longer,  didn't even make it home.

I'm beginning to think we may need the school week to recover from our weekend.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Excluding holidays, Thanksgiving Eve is quickly becoming one of my favorite days of the year.  I love it that schools are out, it gives me an extra day of not having to be a drill sergeant to get the kids out the door on time.
They were so excited to see snow on Wednesday morning, they just had to go out in it.  It didn't last long but it was pretty while it did. 
 For the past two years I have gotten together with Tracey, Gretchen, and Jaime Mac on Thanksgiving Eve to see a Twilight movie.  Even thought the movies are through we didn't want out tradition to end.  This time we decided to check out Uptown Art.  Jaime is a pro but it was a first for G, T, and I.  Jaime's friend Shauna also came along.  I was a bit nervous at first.  I don't have a artistic gene in my bones at all.  I was however ecstatic to see the owls already drawn on.
We got a little obnoxious and camera happy to begin our night.

It was a little stressful at times but it all came together in the end.

I think your first painting is always a trial run, I need to go back now that I know what I'm doing.  I can see where it gets addicting.
Now on to Thanksgiving.  I am beyond thrilled that we no longer have to worry about naps on holidays.  We packed up early to head to my in-laws for a day of fun.  The boys got right to work on some puzzles and crafts to keep them busy.
 I don't know how much longer it will be cool for this one to give momma hugs so I soak every single one up.

After a few hours of hanging out, scanning the sale ads, some hide and seek, and loud children, it was time to eat.

I have a confession, I didn't eat any turkey. I'm just not a fan.  I love Thanksgiving and it's one of my favorite meals, but just for the side dishes.  Even without the turkey, I was still stuffed,
We had a great day and we have so many things to be thankful for.  We have our health and we have each other.  We can't ask for much more than that.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

We are Party "Animals"

We are winding down what may be the busiest weekend we've had in a long time.  Saturday morning, before Cooper's party, we bundled up and headed to the zoo.  It may seem crazy considering the temperatures were near the freezing mark but we honestly had the best time.  Yes it was cold, but we started with the indoor exhibits and by the time we finished those it had warmed up.  Plus it was darn near empty. 
I stopped for a bathroom break and the boys got camera happy. 

When I went the outlets a couple weeks ago I picked up a puffer vest with fur on the hood.  I am seriously in love with this thing.  It's so cozy and warm.  And you will also see the first of two pictures I took that day of Cameron sticking his tongue out.
There were some animals that weren't out due to the cold however the ones that were out were very active.  The lion and tiger were both up walking around, the polar bear was showing off. 
 Normally I don't stop at the playground since it is so busy but there were no kids in sight so they had free reign.
Loved getting to spend some good quality time with this guy.

I also don't usually buy lunch there but with the party I didn't feel like packing our lunches, they must have changed their food vendors but it was actually good. 
Cooper again wanted his picture taken with just about everything in sight.

Cooper kept saying what a good day he was having.  I think they enjoyed having the zoo to themselves.
Of course after the zoo we rushed home to get ready for the party.  This morning we had church, rushed home for lunch and got ready for another important birthday party.  Luke came over Saturday for Coop's party, today we went to Luke's party.  They are 9 days apart.
Luke's sister will be three in May, even though her and Cameron are 8 months apart in age they will end up being in the same class.  This little girl cracks me up.  She is tiny, she looks almost a year younger than she is, but her language is high so if you didn't know her she would seem like this child genius.

They had a Ninja Turtle piñata.  I so want one for my house for those days when I just need to take a whack at things.

We had to leave a little early to go pick up Steve and head to his family reunion.  No pictures there but I did win a door prize.  Don't know who put my name in but I was called like 60 seconds after I showed up.
Who knew I was going to need a Monday to relax from my weekend.  It's a two day week, we can do this!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Party Time!

 Tonight was party night, Cooper's 6th birthday party! 
After a serious 6 year old debate between Batman and Spider-Man, Batman finally won out. 
Dinner tonight was tacos.  Something different, it's usually pizza.  Our guests were the usual, plus Cooper's friend Luke.  These two are like peas in a pod, albeit loud peas in a pod. 
I tried to take a selfie with Cameron, he of course thought it was play time.  He did the same exact thing at the zoo today.  Funny sense of humor for a 3 yr old.
I love, love, love all these pictures of Cooper and his reaction opening gifts.  We are so incredibly blessed with people who love our children.

He's all mine ladies, all mine!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Cooper,
Happy Birthday to you!

Scott brought in a surprise gift at the last minute.  A Cameron sized Darth Vader.  Little spooky, especially when walking around a corner and he's just standing there staring at you.

Luke's mom had to head out early and I could tell Luke wasn't going to be happy to be leaving so I convinced her to let him stay and I would bring him home later.  What a better way to end a party than by playing Xbox.
You may remember a picture of Cameron riding in my car with a Vader mask on, well this is what I had tonight while taking Luke home.
It was a great night for my big guy.  He told me on the way home from Luke's house what a good day it was.  I can't begin to express my appreciation for all the family and friends in our lives.  Thank you for making Cooper's day feel so special.