Monday, September 30, 2013

College Go Week

This week they are celebrating College Go Week at Cooper's school.  They have lots of fun themes for the week.  Tomorrow has something to do with not being late and it's pajama day.  Today is "You're future is so bright you gotta have shades".  Today also looks to be the coolest weather all week so of course it was.... Candy Stripe Pants time.
It's also book fair week.  I'm scheduled to work tomorrow and planed on purchasing stuff then, however Cooper's class goes today.  They sent home a flyer and he picked something out so I sent it back with the money.  I get a text from one of his Wee Ones teachers, who was working this afternoon, asking what should she do, Cooper doesn't want what I have marked down. Of course!!!  He picked it out and now he doesn't want it.  I told her to just let him buy what he wants, all he has is $10 so it won't go too far.
Cameron and I made a quick trip to Target this morning before coming home to play.  I think I've settled into a nice routine of calling all my CBS girls now.  He isn't napping much these days I try to block out at least 30-45 minutes each day while he watches a show for me to call a round of girls.  It's working out nicely now.
Cooper had some allergy problems this weekend and I forgot to give him medicine this morning.  I dropped him off, ran back home to get it, and had them call him to the office to come and get it.  While I was there the principal did the morning announcements.  They do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, along with a moment of silence.   I love it.  I think in some cities, especially bigger cities, that may be pushing the envelope.  Thankful for our small community.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Love the candy stripes!

You're doing a great job with CBS! :)