Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Oh My!
Cooper's Halloween costume came yesterday and I know I'm a little biased but there are no words to describe how ADORABLE he looks! I wanted to take pictures but I'm going to wait until the real deal.
As a hint, it's a Disney/Pixar character. In order to prepare him for it we have been watching the movie, which I forgot how much I love this movie, and he was super excited to put it on. He runs into our bedroom to look into the mirror, well his reflection in the TV, it's too cute.
As a hint, it's a Disney/Pixar character. In order to prepare him for it we have been watching the movie, which I forgot how much I love this movie, and he was super excited to put it on. He runs into our bedroom to look into the mirror, well his reflection in the TV, it's too cute.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Children's Tylenol Recall
Click here for a link to the children's Tylenol recalled products. This page gives you the lot numbers which can be found on the bottle.
Click here for a link to the children's Tylenol recalled products. This page gives you the lot numbers which can be found on the bottle.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How We Celebrated
Oh my how things have changed. Four years ago on Sept 18 we were enjoying a nice relaxing dinner at the California Grill, on the 13th floor of the Contemporary Hotel, while watching fireworks from the Magic Kingdom. Last night we went out as a family to Texas Roadhouse, stopped by Target and visited with Steve's parents and brother. As much as I love Disney World, nothing tops time with my two favorite guys.
We had decided earlier in the week that the three of us would go out to dinner together. Steve & I had already been gone all day Sunday, Steve also had went to the IU game last Saturday and something come up this week that kept him gone most of the day today. He was missing his buddy. After dinner we headed to Target to see if we could find a new Curious George video for Cooper, I can only take so much of Old McGeorgie Had a Farm. We didn't have much luck but somehow still managed to come home with a tent for Cooper, see pics below. We ended the night at Steve's brothers house where courtesy of his parents Cooper presented us with an anniversary card. Life doesn't get much better!
Oh, I did get some flowers.
Cooper's new tent, if you can't tell that is a monster. He loves it! Now what to do with it once this room is converted into his new bedroom.
We had decided earlier in the week that the three of us would go out to dinner together. Steve & I had already been gone all day Sunday, Steve also had went to the IU game last Saturday and something come up this week that kept him gone most of the day today. He was missing his buddy. After dinner we headed to Target to see if we could find a new Curious George video for Cooper, I can only take so much of Old McGeorgie Had a Farm. We didn't have much luck but somehow still managed to come home with a tent for Cooper, see pics below. We ended the night at Steve's brothers house where courtesy of his parents Cooper presented us with an anniversary card. Life doesn't get much better!
Oh, I did get some flowers.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy Anniversary!!!
Firehouse Trip
This past Wednesday we went with our preschool church group on a tour of the fire station in Jeff. I recommend this to all parents and children of all ages. Cooper was a little young to understand but I plan on taking him back in a couple of years. It was a fun learning experience for myself. We started off with the boring stuff- the hallway of offices. But this is where the kids got their fire helmets, badge stickers and an activity book. Next was off to the fun stuff, a tour of the trucks. Of course this was the highlight for the kiddos. Everyone loves playing on firetrucks. Then it was off to my favorite part; the bedrooms, kitchen and living room. These people really do live like a family. The lady giving the tour explained that the team she works with will try to eat a sit down breakfast & dinner together. Someone will cook, the others will help clean and the rookie does dishes. The bedrooms were neat too, the one we went in had three murphy beds that pull down from the wall and with the lights out it would be pitch black and very cold. That is my way to sleep. I had so much fun I'm thinking of dressing Cooper up as a fireman for Halloween.
Thanks to all the men & women who sacrifice their lives for us. It was a great learning experience to see how you live your life everyday.
Of course he wouldn't keep his hat on for too long, this is about the best I could grab.
If you look close you can see his fireman's badge.
Thanks to all the men & women who sacrifice their lives for us. It was a great learning experience to see how you live your life everyday.
Of course he wouldn't keep his hat on for too long, this is about the best I could grab.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Colts Game
Steve & I celebrated our anniversary today by heading north to see the greatest team ever take the field and whoop up on some Jaguar butt!!!! Seeing as Steve is a Bears fan I have to say a big thank you to my wonderful husband for this awesome gift. I mean don't all guys love sports regardless of the team? And a huge thank you to Steve's parents for taking care of our little guy today, I'm sure he had a wonderful time, as did we.
It was a beautiful day, no clouds in the sky and a wonderful 80 degrees. With this weather the roof was open. For those unfamiliar, Lucas Oil Stadium has a retractable roof and a window on one end zone that can be opened. If there is even a slight chance of rain these remain closed because most of the stadium is not waterproof. We has awesome seats, around the 20 yard line and 13 rows up. Not bad for my first NFL live experience. Luckily the Colts pulled out a win, offense wasn't so great today but the defense picked it up and made some huge plays in the end. Come December the way you win doesn't matter, as long as you win. And it was a division win, all other division teams lost this weekend. Much better than the start of last season.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures.
This isn't the greatest shot of the exterior, the place is so big you almost need an aerial shot. But you do get to see my 2nd husband.

It was a beautiful day, no clouds in the sky and a wonderful 80 degrees. With this weather the roof was open. For those unfamiliar, Lucas Oil Stadium has a retractable roof and a window on one end zone that can be opened. If there is even a slight chance of rain these remain closed because most of the stadium is not waterproof. We has awesome seats, around the 20 yard line and 13 rows up. Not bad for my first NFL live experience. Luckily the Colts pulled out a win, offense wasn't so great today but the defense picked it up and made some huge plays in the end. Come December the way you win doesn't matter, as long as you win. And it was a division win, all other division teams lost this weekend. Much better than the start of last season.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures.
This isn't the greatest shot of the exterior, the place is so big you almost need an aerial shot. But you do get to see my 2nd husband.
This is some crazy Colts fan that I think is at all the games. We tried to catch up and get a better picture but we were too slow.
Awww... we miss you Tony!!!!
If you look closely there is a man up there, I call this the worst job ever.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Best Day Ever!!!
I think Cooper just had his best day ever. Steve's parents had their neighborhood yard sale and since we had a few things to sell Cooper & I decided to go over and help out. Steve left before the sun came up for the IU game and there wasn't anything else going on so off we went at 8:00 this morning. I had planned on staying for an hour or two but before I knew it, it was almost lunch time. Cooper had a ball! We were outside all morning until almost 1:30. Plus it was Mamaw & Papaw's house, it doesn't get much better than that. I think it wore him out good, I'm off to take a nap, hopefully he lets me take a good one.
Oldies but Goodies
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ice Cream Cake
Cutie Pie
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Baby Sale
This is for all the new moms or moms to be, Target is having a baby sale this week. There is a Graco convertible car seat for $50. It's just a standard car seat, no cup holders, etc, but it is a good deal for an extra car of perhaps a caregiver or grandparent. They also have a Britax car seat for $179, it retails for $279. They also have the standards.. diapers, lotions, clothing and everything in between on sale as well.
Just this week Cooper has went from saying pu to saying pease... when he really means please. Just last night I gotten out of the shower and I hear Steve coming into the bedroom saying, let's go ask mom. He asks me if Cooper can have some more grapes since it was almost bedtime, then Cooper peaks his head around the corner, "pease". Melt my heart why don't you, who could turn that down?
Lazy Saturday
I woke up yesterday and realized we had nothing to do, no plans, nothing on the calendar, no schedule.. it was odd. It got me thinking, when was the last time we had nothing to do. I started to look through my calendar and went back a few weeks, we had Bats games, girls/guys nights, Steve had to work a few weeks, cook-outs, lunch plans, etc. I got all the way to March before I found a Saturday that blank. I was amazed, we have had something to do or somewhere to be every Saturday for 5 months? Don't get me wrong, 95% of it was fun and things we wanted to do, but every now and then you need that lazy day, and we enjoyed it.
It was fun while it lasted, come October every weekend is booked and I still need to find time for a few other activities that aren't scheduled. But I so love the fall!!!!
It was fun while it lasted, come October every weekend is booked and I still need to find time for a few other activities that aren't scheduled. But I so love the fall!!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Who Needs a Campfire?
When you have a microwave.
Most of you know that Steve & I are not the outdoorsy type, at all! I'm ashamed to admit the only time I have been camping was in middle school in my friend's front yard. We almost made it on two different occasions but the lack of equipment and rough first trimester pregnancy sickness kept us away. However, I don't want my child to miss out on all that is golden with camping, so tonight he had his first introduction to one of the greatest treats of all time.... The SMORE!!!!
Smile big for the camera
Oh my this is big, I may need some help
Most of you know that Steve & I are not the outdoorsy type, at all! I'm ashamed to admit the only time I have been camping was in middle school in my friend's front yard. We almost made it on two different occasions but the lack of equipment and rough first trimester pregnancy sickness kept us away. However, I don't want my child to miss out on all that is golden with camping, so tonight he had his first introduction to one of the greatest treats of all time.... The SMORE!!!!
Smile big for the camera
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