Cooper had his 15 month check up this morning. This was probably the hardest well visit so far. As he has become more aware of strangers he doesn't like them, especially when they are doing things to them. He didn't like it when the nurse weighed and measured him, it made it worse that he had a dirty diaper that she changed. He didn't like it when the doctor checked him out, although he did much better at letting her look at his ears. He really did not like the shots of course, he figured it out before it started, that was the hard part. He feel asleep on the way home and I forgot to bring the Tylenol with me, I usually try and give him some before this shots to help with pain and possible fever, so he gets that when we wakes up. One of his shots was a tetanus shot which I know is going to be sore. Also while he was screaming I noticed he is getting his top molars. He went from 5 teeth to 12 in about a month. How crazy is that?
He is still in the 10 and 15% percentile for weight and length and 80% for head, Poor guy has always had a big head. He weighed 20 lb 10 oz and was 30 inches. He has only gained about a pound since his 1 year visit but has grown almost 3 inches.
Alirghty, I'm off to relax myself.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Cleaning Closets
Cooper loves to get in the hall closet and snoop around, so Steve decided to clean the closet and fill with silly toys and things Cooper can actually play with. It did the trick, he asks us for help to open the closet and he will sit there and play with his toys and they seem new to him. I was taking these pictures while Steve was cleaning and he looked back at me to inform that it is very annoying when I take pictures while he is trying to do something. He will get over it, I needed something to blog about.
Red Velvet Cake Balls
Thanks to Megan for her recipe on the red velvet cake balls. I made some for Steve to take into work on Friday. I did modify the recipe a tad, instead of dipping the balls into chocolate I drizzled the chocolate over them. They were a huge success, I even had one of his co-workers call me and tell how delicious they are. They were so easy to make, messy but easy. As a warning if you have kids, don't try these unless they are asleep or someone else is home with you. Nothing like having your hands covered in cake mix and icing while your child is off running into walls.
Valentine's Day
This year we decided to go out on Friday night in order to avoid crowds. Steve's parents came over to watch Cooper and we had a nice dinner together, we went to Texas Roadhouse because that is where we have a gift card to. Yes I know we are cheap. Saturday morning we got up and decided to go out and get some breakfast and we needed to pick up Cooper's Valentine's gift. We were going to do it Friday but Steve has been on antibiotics and was ready to get home. Even when we have a sitter we are still home by 7:00. We headed to Panera for breakfast, then to Target, Cooper got a new book and Curious George video. As soon as I picked up the video he started waving his arms around like a monkey. It was a good thing that is what we picked out, this morning something was wrong with KET and the television kept skipping right as George was coming on, but daddy saved the day by popping in the video. We also picked up a card for Steve's parents and dropped it off. The rest of the day was pretty low key. That is the way I like it.
Here is Cooper playing with the camera case. Every time he sees the camera he makes a sound like the camera makes when you take the picture. Yesterday he kept making that sound and pointing at the counter to get the camera. This boy soaks up everything!

Here is Cooper playing with the camera case. Every time he sees the camera he makes a sound like the camera makes when you take the picture. Yesterday he kept making that sound and pointing at the counter to get the camera. This boy soaks up everything!
Monday, February 9, 2009
ENT Follow up
We had Cooper's follow up with the ENT today for his tubes. All looks good, tubes are still in and working. He did have a minor meltdown after the audiologist checked his ears, okay major meltdown. This continued on during the hearing test which I could not get him calmed down. They marked him down as normal to minor hearing loss. I don't think he has hearing loss and they don't think he does either, he was was just crying too hard to respond to any of the lower sound level sounds. I could barely hear any of it over him. Of course he melted down again when the doctor checked his ears. We go back in 4 months, which we will continue to do until the tubes fall out, this is just to make sure they are still in and working. Maybe next time I will suggest the hearing test first, then they can look in his ears.
I can feel it
Spring is in the air. Yes I know we have a whole month and a half until spring then half of April before it starts to warm up followed up by the occasional snow flurrie in early May, but I can wish right? We were blessed with some incredible weather this weekend and early this week. You know God will never give us more than we can handle and must have thought we needed a break from extreme cold and ice storms. Although did you hear there may damaging winds Wednesday night? Let's hope not.
Sunday afternoon we managed to get outside and enjoy nature for a while. I love it, spring gives me energy each year. I love when we get a little glimpse of what is to come when it should be 3o degrees outside. It sure does help these winter months go by. This first picture is a favorite, there is something so cute about a father and son walking hand in hand.
Sunday afternoon we managed to get outside and enjoy nature for a while. I love it, spring gives me energy each year. I love when we get a little glimpse of what is to come when it should be 3o degrees outside. It sure does help these winter months go by. This first picture is a favorite, there is something so cute about a father and son walking hand in hand.
As Promised
Sunday, February 8, 2009
We had a slight scare yesterday, nothing too big but it did warrant me jumping in the backseat while Steve was driving down the interstate with big semi trucks all around us.
We decided to take advantage of the warm day and go to the zoo. I bought our zoo membership this week and was anxious to get a head start on getting our money's worth. I felt a little run down in the morning but after we all took a nap I felt much better so headed out after lunch. We had just left the house and Steve turned on some good praise and worship music, I turn around and Cooper is having a good ol' time back there clapping and bobbing his head. A minute or two later I turn back around and he is starting to cry and rubbing his eyes. He hadn't been up long so I knew he wasn't tired, I tried calling his name but he wouldn't open his eyes. His head kept kept falling down almost as if he was passing out. What really scared me was that he wasn't responding when we called his name. This is when I jump back there, Steve gets off the Veteran's Parkway exit and tries to find a place to pullover. Of course there is a ton of traffic and by then I realize he had scratched his eye. Luckily it was the outside corner and not the inside. Obviously small children don't have the ability to keep one eye open and the other closed, which explains why he looked as if he was passing out. After this he clearly was not in the mood for anything so we skipped the zoo and headed to Target and the mall instead.
Our shopping trip did turn out good. I got two big packs for Huggies and got a $5 gift card with my purchase and I wanted to look at a storage ottoman they had for sale. They were sold out of the brown, which is what we wanted, but that is a good thing cause we got a rain check and now have two months to go back and get it. I wasn't planning on buying this weekend so it worked out in our favor. Then at Dillard's I found the cutest pair of K Swiss tennis shoes for Cooper for $10. They are a little big so that should last a while. He looks like such a big boy. I'll try and get some pictures. Cooper ended the day with visits from Uncle Scott, Papaw, and both Mamaws. I think he forgot all about the animals he never did get to see by that time.
We decided to take advantage of the warm day and go to the zoo. I bought our zoo membership this week and was anxious to get a head start on getting our money's worth. I felt a little run down in the morning but after we all took a nap I felt much better so headed out after lunch. We had just left the house and Steve turned on some good praise and worship music, I turn around and Cooper is having a good ol' time back there clapping and bobbing his head. A minute or two later I turn back around and he is starting to cry and rubbing his eyes. He hadn't been up long so I knew he wasn't tired, I tried calling his name but he wouldn't open his eyes. His head kept kept falling down almost as if he was passing out. What really scared me was that he wasn't responding when we called his name. This is when I jump back there, Steve gets off the Veteran's Parkway exit and tries to find a place to pullover. Of course there is a ton of traffic and by then I realize he had scratched his eye. Luckily it was the outside corner and not the inside. Obviously small children don't have the ability to keep one eye open and the other closed, which explains why he looked as if he was passing out. After this he clearly was not in the mood for anything so we skipped the zoo and headed to Target and the mall instead.
Our shopping trip did turn out good. I got two big packs for Huggies and got a $5 gift card with my purchase and I wanted to look at a storage ottoman they had for sale. They were sold out of the brown, which is what we wanted, but that is a good thing cause we got a rain check and now have two months to go back and get it. I wasn't planning on buying this weekend so it worked out in our favor. Then at Dillard's I found the cutest pair of K Swiss tennis shoes for Cooper for $10. They are a little big so that should last a while. He looks like such a big boy. I'll try and get some pictures. Cooper ended the day with visits from Uncle Scott, Papaw, and both Mamaws. I think he forgot all about the animals he never did get to see by that time.
New Things
I feel as if I have really slowed down my blogging lately. I could blame it on the blah of January & February but there really isn't an excuse. I'm also finding it harder to blog while Cooper is awake and that leaves nap time but I've been extremely lazy during nap time myself. I blame that too on January & February, they are just blah months. I'm also finding it harder to take pictures since Cooper wont sit still and instead tries to get the camera out of my hands. So I thought I would take this time to blog about some new & cute things he has been doing.
-we finally have a walker. All it took was for him to learn to stand without holding on to anything and now he is all over the house. I think he walks around just to walk.
-now that he is walking he will walk back to his room and get toys and books off his shelf. If he needs help he will walk back to where we are and sign for help and turn back around and expect us to follow. It's too cute.
-my favorite thing to do is watch him play by himself and figure out what is going on in his head. He has Fisher Price door frame where on side are things you would find inside a house and the other side are things you found outside, like a doorbell. If you have children and have been down any toy aisle you probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway, on the side is a rain spout that came with three balls you drop down and it will play music. He likes to find anything he can to drop down the spout, the balls, little people animals, I found his pacifier one day, and yesterday he tried to fit his shoe in there.
-he's getting a little better at saying words. Of all things he will try to imitate our sounds when we say chicken and Gretchen.
-he is becoming a huge Papaw's boy. Steve's mom came over the other day, he walked right past her out of the kitchen into the laundry room and waited by the door to the garage for papaw to come in. When papaw is around no one else exists, including me.
That is about all I can think of right now. I plan to get back on board with blogging soon, I just need to get motivated.
-we finally have a walker. All it took was for him to learn to stand without holding on to anything and now he is all over the house. I think he walks around just to walk.
-now that he is walking he will walk back to his room and get toys and books off his shelf. If he needs help he will walk back to where we are and sign for help and turn back around and expect us to follow. It's too cute.
-my favorite thing to do is watch him play by himself and figure out what is going on in his head. He has Fisher Price door frame where on side are things you would find inside a house and the other side are things you found outside, like a doorbell. If you have children and have been down any toy aisle you probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway, on the side is a rain spout that came with three balls you drop down and it will play music. He likes to find anything he can to drop down the spout, the balls, little people animals, I found his pacifier one day, and yesterday he tried to fit his shoe in there.
-he's getting a little better at saying words. Of all things he will try to imitate our sounds when we say chicken and Gretchen.
-he is becoming a huge Papaw's boy. Steve's mom came over the other day, he walked right past her out of the kitchen into the laundry room and waited by the door to the garage for papaw to come in. When papaw is around no one else exists, including me.
That is about all I can think of right now. I plan to get back on board with blogging soon, I just need to get motivated.
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