Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New things

Cooper has been doing a variety of new cute things lately. Although he has been crawling for a couple of months now it has always been more of an army crawl. About the past week he has started to move a little with his belly up off the floor. Until now he hasn't been able to go from being on his belly back to a sitting position. The first few times he did so it was with some assistance, either trying to crawl on one of us or once in his crib. The other night he did it on his own. When he did Steve and I both started clapping, and now every time he does it he claps for himself. It is too cute. He sits up, looks at us, smiles and starts to clap.

He has also has this new look when we get out the camera. I've posted one below on what I was able to capture the best. He shuts his eyes and grins really big. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his little head.
One thing not so cute is that he has started testing us and crying when he doesn't get his way. He loves to play with the telephone and remote control. Yesterday someone had called and when I hung up the phone he wanted it back. He kept trying to crawl up on the couch to get it. I sat him back down and he started crying like it was the end of the world! So I got out his bucket of shapes and started playing with them. It didn't take long for him to realize that what I was doing looked more fun and he quickly joined in. I think I won our first battle!


Mrs. Wesely said...

That is the cutest picture!

ginmommy said...

Adorable picture!!